First injections. Share your amusing first pin stories.


New member
Hey, does anyone have any amusing first pin stories? I notice a lot of people here -myself included- are thinking of starting their first cycle, and are curious, anxious, Hell, sometimes downright nervous, about that first pin.

Me, I had to delay my first cycle while I wait for my AI, so curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to jab myself anyway. I've never been bothered by injections or by pain in general, but I just can't inflict pain on myself. My brain won't let me do it. I cannot self-terminate!
So...I took a 25g needle and a syringe and had a little trial run today out of boredom and impatience. Obviously, the syringe was only there for something to hold.
Anyway, I tried my delt. I had my eyes closed because I was concentrating on what I was feeling. I just pressed harder and harder on the needle, expecting to feel a sudden sharp prick when the tip burst through the skin. The prick never came, so I pussied out and decided to try a new pin in my glutes. I damn near broke the needle off in my delt because I hadn't realised it had slid all the way in. It was just like when the nurse does it and you get that surprised "Huh? You already did it?" look she must see every day.
All the same, I'd much rather someone else pinned me. Even without pain, the idea of stabbing anything through my skin just causes part of my brain to refuse to allow it. But I have a feeling that will change once the gear kicks in and the PBs start to fall.
have you ever seen the movie pulp fiction? do you remember the part where the gansters wife almost OD's on heroin and john Travolta has to stab her in the heart with the adrenaline shot...that's how I shot my quad cause I didn't know how hard to stab it in...couldn't walk right for over a week
Yeah, I can imagine that happens a lot

have you ever seen the movie pulp fiction? do you remember the part where the gansters wife almost OD's on heroin and john Travolta has to stab her in the heart with the adrenaline shot...that's how I shot my quad cause I didn't know how hard to stab it in...couldn't walk right for over a week
i remember being so fucking scared and nervous... remember being at my ex gfs house and she offered to jab it like a knife into my quad. Couldnt let her do it.

my hands were so shaky ended up getting a massive welt.
i think ill take the cake on this one... when i started my first cycle i was very into jam music and the like wize party scene around it. I had a license to fill nitrous oxide tanks and always ran around with a 20lb in my trunk. it just so happened that in the middle of a tank party i was having for a friends bday my source called n said he got my stuff and me being excited, intoxicated, and stupid i had him stick me in the ass, mid balloon, fishing out of my mind. when i came too i felt nothing, didnt think he actually stuck me. the next day HOLY PIP i could barely walk. over the last few years the partying is finally out of me and im more focused on training. always makes for a great story lol
Well, I finally started my first cycle on Monday, and I'm disappointed to say my first pin went smooth as can be. If I got PIP, I never noticed. Deadlifts can leave my ass sore anyway.
Stood there in a pool of sweat for ten minutes before I got the nerve to do it myself. I had no choice though, the wife was out of town.
pinned quad straight leg, muscle flexed. didnt know you were supposed to relax the muscle. Wasnt nervous at first so slowly inserted the needle and as soon as i got into my flexed muscle it started twitching violently. freaked me out so bad. re pinned again with much more hesitation. Did not change needles (which ended up being ok thankfully). same thing happened. muscle started going nuts. i said F*** it and tried to aspirate best i could and managed to hold the syringe steady while my muscle freaked out. could hardly walk and couldnt bend my leg for about a week.
I had my brother give the first pin. He was 3 weeks into his first and talked me into getting my own cycle. First time having a guy that close to my ass, much less my brother!
I was quite freaked out. It wasn't for a cycle as I haven't done one yet but plan to start mid April. My 1st pin was a 100mg TRT shot. Endo insists on self injects which is amazing. Little did he know I've been reading here for nearly a year so I was very prepared. I was sweating and shaking like a maniac. I pinned my glute and it was absolutely painless. In the last 4 months or so that I've been injecting (50mg twice a week), I had a quad pin that made me light headed and almost passed out after finishing the injection but nothing too serious.

Looking forward to what 5 times my TRT dose will be like with an AI of course. The thought of pushing a 1 inch needle into your muscle is much scarier than I actually found it to be.
have you ever seen the movie pulp fiction? do you remember the part where the gansters wife almost OD's on heroin and john Travolta has to stab her in the heart with the adrenaline shot...that's how I shot my quad cause I didn't know how hard to stab it in...couldn't walk right for over a week

Hahaha. I did the same thing. Nice analogy.

I went for the quad and hit way to far up close to my knee. Forgot to aspirate and pushed way to hard on the plunger. Left a nice bruise.
Hahaha. I did the same thing. Nice analogy.

I went for the quad and hit way to far up close to my knee. Forgot to aspirate and pushed way to hard on the plunger. Left a nice bruise.

yea I had no idea how hard I needed to poke. fucking horrible idea
I had a buddy that wanted to start running some test..I got it for him and met him at the gym before we trained.. he got in my car and was nervous about pinning so I told him I would do it for him. I drew one up in the car and asked him if he was ready..he was ready..he had lots of questions and was stalling and I was ready to train..I finally got tired of it and before he knew what happened, I buried a 1" stick in his quad, right through his sweat!
I had a buddy that wanted to start running some test..I got it for him and met him at the gym before we trained.. he got in my car and was nervous about pinning so I told him I would do it for him. I drew one up in the car and asked him if he was ready..he was ready..he had lots of questions and was stalling and I was ready to train..I finally got tired of it and before he knew what happened, I buried a 1" stick in his quad, right through his sweat!

That sounds sterile...