First pics


New member
22 years old, 5'11", 205 lbs, 5 years lifting experience (two serious)
I dont have any mesurements or body fat %. My diet is pretty good, usually try to take in 4000-5000 cal a day. about 250-300 grams of protein. I know im not very lean, but right now I am more focused on gaining mass more then anything else. my first real cycle was 50mg d-bol ED for 4 weeks and 2 shots of omnadrens a week for 10 weeks. I dont have b4 pics but i was around 185-187 lbs and went up to 210,, im sitting around 205 lbs right now tho. Well ne ways im just posting sum pics to show where im at right now. Ive had 5 months off and am going on again.. 100mg tren EOD 500mg test enthate every week, starting off at 300mg then 400mg and then max 500mg. I (might) end the cycle with sum tabs of Winstrol (winny), but im not sure yet. ive also tried m1t's along time ago. so ya any input is good.. thanks guys you all have been a great help. the diet section is deffinatley my favorite, great info.. peace
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Looking good bro, I personally think you look lean, nice to see that you kept most of your gains, what was your post cycle therapy (pct) like.
StylesB said:
thanks guys.. ya my back is terrible.. especially my lats.. i just cant get these things to grow.
You look great!!! And you also have some good symmetry right now!!At this point in time my back is starting to grow nicely!!! I have one day in my program which is strictly back and biceps....about 4 back and lat exercises!
Thanks, its been just over a week and i feel alot stronger already, probably because im eating like its my job. Ill be sure to post up after pics with more shots and the wheels.
Looking good brother, and welcome. I expect you have your post cycle therapy (pct) in order as well as ancillaries (esp. for the tren)? Just eat clean man, you have decent BF right now, don't let it get outta control (if that's possible with tren/winny :))
thanks and yupp got everything except the Winstrol (winny), im really not sure i want to run it because of sum of the feedback posted on this site.. might shy away for now, but if i do it will be the last four weeks..
Not bad......
Id suggest keping the Winstrol in it...its incredibly synergistic with test and a great for definition when combined with Tren.
You'll have your test for the size and win/tren for even more size with definition.
My last cycle was a combo of these and was very pleased.

Hey gator i think i am gonna keep the winstrol in the cycle, how many times have you used it, and what kinda results did you see?
sup styles lol i was home tonight for a little was gonna call you to come to the goat but got drunk and forgot lol
do you have the Winstrol (winny) tabs or shots, i can't remember what you told me
anyways i'll be livin back home soon so we can train together man... cheers
StylesB said:
Hey gator i think i am gonna keep the winstrol in the cycle, how many times have you used it, and what kinda results did you see?

lol you picked the right guy to ask.
StylesB said:
Hey gator i think i am gonna keep the winstrol in the cycle, how many times have you used it, and what kinda results did you see?
Ive used it many times and the definition is just unreal. If diet is on you will look sculpted. If diet is just O.K., you will look defined.

I swear Ive never used a compound that made me want to just do one more set then one more set and when you see the progress you wont want to leave the gym.

There is a difference because Ive been at it a while and Ive tried many combos and IMO nothing beats having Winstrol in the mix.

Good luck and keep us updated.

Gator did you use tabs or injections for the Winstrol (winny)? im going to be using tabs just to give my self a break from the needles. I wasnt sure if i was gonna use it, but i think you pretty much just sold me on it..