First pics

StylesB said:
Gator did you use tabs or injections for the Winstrol (winny)? im going to be using tabs just to give my self a break from the needles. I wasnt sure if i was gonna use it, but i think you pretty much just sold me on it..
Ive only used the injectable. I heard most tablets may be underdosed and the breakdown in the liver however small it may be is still mgs one is losing.

yupp i would be an idiot if i did 400mg Tren EOD, I ment 100mg EOD, but thanks for pointing out that mistake and calling me an idiot.
Ive only used the injectable. I heard most tablets may be underdosed and the breakdown in the liver however small it may be is still mgs one is losing.

okay thanks, maybe i will go with the injections, rather poke my self a few more times and get better results!