First testo enathate cycle i need help


New member
Hi guys i will appriciate if anyone helps me. I am 30 yrs old 170 cm 73.5 kg 22 bf i have been training 2 years and i have lost 22 kg with clean eating diet training . now i am going on cycle only test e 500 a week. I dnt knw if i should lose bf and bulk with clean eating and training hard. Or shall I still eat clean cut and continue to lower my BF and if so how should i do it what do i have to do can you please inform me .
Read 3js steroid and diet thread. Lots of good info about determining your maintainence cals and adjusting for your goals. Steroids will amplify results so be careful and make sure you understand the diet.
Also, most will advise to get that bf% down before cycling. That's good advice in my opinion.....if for no other reason then so you can see your progress. Building muscle underneath a thick layer of fat is just not as much fun :)
Search 3js stuff and message him further questions. That's the best diet advice I got for ya. Lol
Best of luck bro. Let us know what ya decide and how it goes
Read 3js steroid and diet thread.

I've read it a couple times but I just cant get past the part of "Proper nutrition for bulking", its just to much maths and my brain doesn't get it for lack of a better word.
I'll probably get shoot for saying this but I kinda wished there was a simplified version for dummies like me :(
I've read it a couple times but I just cant get past the part of "Proper nutrition for bulking", its just to much maths and my brain doesn't get it for lack of a better word.
I'll probably get shoot for saying this but I kinda wished there was a simplified version for dummies like me :(

I understand. The diet is the hard part and the most important part. It's where we all go wrong at some point. Keep all your food clean and lower calories until you lose some weight. That'll help ya understand how you personally react to changes so that you know about how much to add when cycling. I guess it's just a personal decision on which to do first though......cut or bulk. I personally like to lose a few pounds then cycle for further recomp. Cutting cycles are no fun in my opinion:)
So pick a direction and fire it up bro :) Of course you could always become a client of 3j and I'm sure he will be very specific as to what you need to eat with your training. Pick a goal and share it with him. Seems to know his shit.
I know I haven't helped you. Sorry bro. Diet is tricky advice to give others.
Good luck and let us know how it goes no matter what you decide

Edit: Just realized you weren't the OP. a dumbass
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I understand. The diet is the hard part and the most important part. It's where we all go wrong at some point. Keep all your food clean and lower calories until you lose some weight. That'll help ya understand how you personally react to changes so that you know about how much to add when cycling. I guess it's just a personal decision on which to do first though......cut or bulk. I personally like to lose a few pounds then cycle for further recomp. Cutting cycles are no fun in my opinion:)
So pick a direction and fire it up bro :) Of course you could always become a client of 3j and I'm sure he will be very specific as to what you need to eat with your training. Pick a goal and share it with him. Seems to know his shit.
I know I haven't helped you. Sorry bro. Diet is tricky advice to give others.
Good luck and let us know how it goes no matter what you decide

I'm gonna hire 3j for my upcoming cycle for those reasons you you mentioned. Seems like the easiest option and considering how much effort, time and even money is spent on gear/cycles alone it would be stupid to cut it short on one of the biggest aspects of training.
I think its hard to really understand how important but mainly how insanely hard the diet part is once you get past the "eat eat eat" portion.
Thanks man, I'm planning to do a full "my steroid" cycle so everyone can follow it and give input, i also think it will help push me harder and give me more motivation.
Still trying to decide if I should start now end of feb or wait until I finish my last tatto session...but im already months late for beach 2018 and postponing it another month kills me inside...

Edit: Just realized you weren't the OP. a dumbass

Aww, you made yourself look stupid to make me feel better about being a dummy, if that isn't bromance i dont know what is lol ;)
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I'm gonna hire 3j for my upcoming cycle for those reasons you you mentioned. Seems like the easiest option and considering how much effort, time and even money is spent on gear/cycles alone it would be stupid to cut it short on one of the biggest aspects of training.
I think its hard to really understand how important but mainly how insanely hard the diet part is once you get past the "eat eat eat" portion.
Thanks man, I'm planning to do a full "my steroid" cycle so everyone can follow it and give input, i also think it will help push me harder and give me more motivation.
Still trying to decide if I should start now end of feb or wait until I finish my last tatto session...but im already months late for beach 2018 and postponing it another month kills me inside...


Aww, you made yourself look stupid to make me feel better about being a dummy, if that isn't bromance i dont know what is lol ;)

Sounds great bro!! Yeah if you keep a log on here it will probably help with the accountability factor. People can help push ya along and also give personal experiences if you run into any common problems along the way. Looking forward to it bro
First of all i wanna cut down the extra few kilos i have . then start my cycle and i wanna do cut cycle for my first time newbie then when i lower my bf and add some mass and lose weight then i might bulk next year .. This is why i will eat clean and calculate my macros my daily need bla bla but my actual question was can i still cut with testo enathate and add mass while loosing weight with cutting cycle .
Hey guys my actual question was can i still use test ena while on cutting diet and if so can i still add mass and cut bf down ... Then i do another cycle after few months for clean bulk with low bf pls any advice
Hey guys my actual question was can i still use test ena while on cutting diet and if so can i still add mass and cut bf down ... Then i do another cycle after few months for clean bulk with low bf pls any advice

if this is your first cycle keep it simple. dont start throwing other compounds in there as the root of it all with your weight loss will be affected by your diet.
Hey guys my actual question was can i still use test ena while on cutting diet and if so can i still add mass and cut bf down ... Then i do another cycle after few months for clean bulk with low bf pls any advice

Yes. The true magic of the first cycle is that you can add muscle and lose fat at the same time. Keep in mind.....DIET IS THE ABSOLUTE KEY TO THIS.
Thank u so much to all of you and each of you for being sensible and answering to my questions. What pct should i do i got only clomid and nolvadex in my cointry and this is all i can afford plus i got arimidex.. To take eod or ed 0.25
Thank u so much to all of you and each of you for being sensible and answering to my questions. What pct should i do i got only clomid and nolvadex in my cointry and this is all i can afford plus i got arimidex.. To take eod or ed 0.25
Yes Clomid and nolva is all you need for pct, and arimidex is right to use during your cycle. Have you had a chance to read up the beginers threads mentioned above? when are you going to start?

Please be sure to do blood works before you start so you have a reference point to monitor your levels throughout your cycle and pct and post pct.
Hey bro i did my blood test . my e2 is 25 in a normal range max is 50 but mine is 25 and also my LH 7.6 max is 13.5 so my cholestrol is good as well . i will start my cycle in 3 weeks.
Hey bro i did my blood test . my e2 is 25 in a normal range max is 50 but mine is 25 and also my LH 7.6 max is 13.5 so my cholestrol is good as well . i will start my cycle in 3 weeks.
Can you layout your cycle plan here along with pct, thanks and good luck!
Week and a half to go to your cycle, have you made any last minute tweeks? nervous? hows the pre cycle diet looking?
bulk? cut? steroids? these words shouldnt even be in your vocabulary. bro you are 22% bodyfat... you are FAT. i mean kudos for you on losing 22kg thats amazing, but you are too fat for steroids.

you should not take steroids if you are over 15% bodyfat IMO for multiple reasons.

not only will you look like shit but you're more prone to gyno but its not just gyno you have to worry about. fat cells contain estrogen. the more fat cells the more estrogen. the more estrogen the higher the chances of estrogenic sides. which include water retention, the gyno we spoke of, and acne.

keep dieting, maybe touch some clen or just do what you did to lose 22kg, get down to 14-15% bodyfat then take some gear.

in addition, i said to take the word CUT out of your vocabulary because that would be implying that you're focusing on two things, preserving muscle and losing fat. you need to focus on one thing FAT LOSS nothing else, work out lift weights yeah sure but dont think at all about muscle gains your main focus should be the treadmill. trust me, youll be happier this way.
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