First Time Pics (Plz cretique)

Iron Man

Amature Bodybuilder
Gentlemen...first post of my pics all natty...goin to be runnin first cycle this summer of test e at 500mg/w for 10 weeks with a 5 week dbol stack at 25mg ed. I dont have any more pics...all my other pics are on my other comp and as for the wheels...they're pathetic...all the years of football have worn out my knees, but ganna be workin them hard this summer...any suggestions of what to work on with what u can see? Be easy i know im a lil soggy in the mid section...i'm an alleged its hard for me to get cut.
21/5'9/185 lbs 375 bench(350 competition) not sure bf% (anyone like to take a stab?) i'll get more pics up later.
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You look pretty good. No offense, but you definately don't look like you can bench 375, that's some good strength for your size though, so take it as a compliment. Other than that, drop the Dbol. Test only first cycle.
Looking good bro.

But in my opinion you have a long way to grow untill you completly max out . SO in my opinion you dont need sauce now.

JUst some good quality food and hard training.

..but if you wish to go ahead w\the cycle just make sure to eat yuor ass off and squat and do heavy deads.
I assure u i have done 375 on bench, thats all i used to do in highschool, that and clean and jerk of which i did 255 back in the day...and i realize i probably could make some more gains almost every mofuger on here i'm just dieing to try my first cycle...i'm well educated for the type of cycle i'd be doin...but know i got a lot more to learn. And right-pumped i used to be chunky...learned how to eat right and lost 60 lbs of fat. Its just a constant battle of knowing to eat just the right amount to grow but not gain fat as well. But this summer i'm ganna eating like there's no tomorrow.
Iron Man said:
21/5'9/185 lbs 375 bench(350 competition)

Looking good man...

375 one rep max? (spotter with or without hands on bar)

Iron Man said:
any suggestions of what to work on with what u can see?

From what i see your upper chest? and you dont look wide.. (back)
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man that sounds like alot. hell im 6'3 and 365 1 rep max working in 275-315 range now. look good though. start with diet and have you tried any supps or you have already decided on gear? make sure you have all your ducks in a row b4 you start. also think about waiting a bit on the gear. im sure some others will chime in. a couple more years at least
where here's the deal on the bench...i lost 60 lbs. from 215lbs. and got down to a wee 155lbs. and that didn't come without bench dropped down to 295 and this was in hs at age 17 and being on the o-line (center) u can amagine my coach wasn't too happy...since then i've packed on some muscle commin around 180-185lbs now....when i did my 375 bench i just bearly got it...spotter had to put a finger on the bar to get me past sticking point. I was 18 when i did this. But I have done 355(correction) in contest...I got my boys to prove it. Now at my age i'm still pushin around 350 give or take 15 lbs. just dont do bench any more because i almost fucked up my shoulder during a warm i just stick to db...and do around 120lb. db bout u can say my chest has always been my strong point. I agree on the lat comment...I def do need to work on my lats...i have a back picture...just trying to get it to work on here. And thx on the trap comment...i try and work those a my opinion they make u look 10x bigger. And thx for the penis comment :flipoffha Any one wanna take a stab at my bf%...ive never got it done...
as for the supplements...I have tried a few...Lets see....I did creatine mono, NO2, CE2, anadrox, and for a lil i tried the myth-1-test for 4 weeks when i was 18 when it was legal. All of which i was mildly impressed with exeption with the m-1-t which i was able to go from 335 to 355 in bench when i was on it. An of course lots and lots of protein powder. So u can amagine 3 years down the road if the m-1-t gave me such good results, im lookin forward to trying the real shit.
Dude, at your weight, you could break a lot of state records in the drug free class for bench. Maybe you should lay off the roids and go get your name put in the books.
already did in hs...placed 3rd overall in bench at state at a weight class of 169. And shattered a record at my hs. And that makes me ponder what i could do sauced up...idk still debating...but leaning more towards just doin it.
Iron Man said:
already did in hs...placed 3rd overall in bench at state at a weight class of 169. And shattered a record at my hs. And that makes me ponder what i could do sauced up...idk still debating...but leaning more towards just doin it.

It's all about what you want man. You have a nice base, plenty of strength, and from the sound of things a few years experience.
Yeah but unfortuanlty it not always about what you want... I Would like to be a pro-bodybuilder...but gettin thru school and gettin a job sounds a lil more realistic. But if i can't have both, hey at least have fun with it. :afro:
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