First time Tren cycle - Please can i have your opinion on this planned cycle?


New member
Hey there guys. I am planning to do a Testosterone proprionate + Trenbolone Acetate + Stanazol (oral) cycle. I was wondering if i can have your opinions on my dosing schedule?

A little about me: I am 94kg, 183cm and BF:13% and i am 24 with 8 years of lifting experience. I have done 3 cycles previously - one each year in the last years. First cycle (8 weeks): Testosterone proprionate 350mg/week, Second cycle (8 weeks): Testosterone proprionate 500mg/week, Third cycle (8 weeks): Testosterone proprionate 350mg/week + 40mg Stanazol ED. I have done a PCT protocol of Clomid and Tamoxifen for each of these cycles.

With each of these cycles i have had the same problems - mild sensitive itchy nipples (for which i took arimidex 0.25-0.5 ED to correct the problem) and also a crash in libido in the first 3-4 days of PCT (but all back to normal after these first days). I've always been very cautious with sides so i always have the necessary pharmaceuticals on hand before cycle.

Currently i am only able to get a hold of these 3 AAS which is why i am making due - thought i should mention before anyone has a go at me for using Tren so early in my bodybuilding career.

For my current planned cycle, i have formed the following dosing schedule:

Week 1:

Mon: Test. 60mg
Weds: Test. 60mg
Fri: Test. 60mg
Sun: Test. 60mg

Week 2:

Tues: Test. 60mg
Thurs: Test. 60mg
Sat: Test. 60mg

Week 3:

Mon: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Tues: Tren. 30mg
Weds: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Thurs: Tren. 30mg
Fri: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Sat: Tren. 30mg
Sun: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg

Week 4:

Mon: Tren. 30mg
Tues: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Weds: Tren. 30mg
Thurs: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Fri: Tren. 30mg
Sat: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Sun: Tren. 30mg

Week 5:

Mon: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Tues: Tren. 30mg
Weds: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Thurs: Tren. 30mg
Fri: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Sat: Tren. 30mg
Sun: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg

Week 6:

Mon: Tren. 30mg
Tues: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Weds: Tren. 30mg
Thurs: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Fri: Tren. 30mg
Sat: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg
Sun: Tren. 30mg

Week 7:

Mon: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Tues: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Weds: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Thurs: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Fri: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Sat: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg
Sun: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 20mg

Week 8:

Mon: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Tues: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Weds: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Thurs: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Fri: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Sat: Test. 60mg + Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg
Sun: Tren. 30mg + Stan. 30mg

Week 9:

Mon: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Tues: Stan. 40mg
Weds: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Thurs: Stan. 40mg
Fri: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Sat: Stan. 40mg
Sun: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg

Week 10:

Mon: Stan. 40mg
Tues: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Weds: Stan. 40mg
Thurs: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Fri: Stan. 40mg
Sat: Test. 60mg + Stan. 40mg
Sun: Stan. 40mg

Week 11:

Mon: Tamoxifen 20mg
Tues: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Weds: Tamoxifen 20mg
Thurs: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Fri: Tamoxifen 20mg
Sat: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Sun: Tamoxifen 20mg

Week 12:

Mon: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Tues: Tamoxifen 20mg
Weds: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Thurs: Tamoxifen 20mg
Fri: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Sat: Tamoxifen 20mg
Sun: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG

Week 13:

Mon: Tamoxifen 20mg
Tues: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Weds: Tamoxifen 20mg
Thurs: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Fri: Tamoxifen 20mg
Sat: Tamoxifen 20mg + 500IU HCG
Sun: Tamoxifen 20mg

Next day: Clomid. 250mg + Tamoxifen. 60mg
Next 10 days: Clomid. 100mg ED + Tamoxifen. 40mg ED
Next 10+ days: Clomid. 50mg ED + Tamoxifen. 20mg ED


- 0.25mg Arimidex EOD starting from first day, increase accordingly, until end of 10 weeks (after my last Test. pin)

- Cabergoline (Dostinex) – on hand

- Tamoxifen – on hand

I will be pinning Tren. ED as opposed to EOD to minimise sides - from the reading i've done it is better to use less more often then more less often. I will keep the Test. dosage low (60mg) to maintain my normal functions (mainly libido) and to prevent any sides.
I will use 500IU HCG EOD to prevent desensitising my leydig cells with higher doses/too frequent pins, with 20mg Tamoxifen ED to prevent Oestrogenic sides.

I would really appreciate your opinions on this cycle and any suggestions you might have to improve it :)
Your doses are low. Way too low. Not worth the trouble, low. Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Run hcg beginning of cycle up to pct.
Well there is precedent T Bone....

OP, I salute the work in typing first off...damnit son...ever hear of carpel tunnel ? Is that all you can get as far as AMOUNT of gear ?
Also how many TOTAL cycles u got ?
Post a pic ????
Itchy nipples means gears good...:-)

If I were to run this...I d get a big bottle measure your dose ratio s ...less pinning..damn u r gonna be a pin cushion.

My last cycle was my trt 200 test c a week and added 50/50 test prop-tren M W F --------- with umpteen cycles and 31 yr s in the gym....but I m an old man so...
Enlighten us wmore intel
tbonexl, Thank you for your reply. I was under the assumption that Test. is supposed to be in the TRT dose range in order to minimise sides - by that i mean its primary function in this cycle (as a base) is supposed to maintain normal physiological functions inside while allowing the Tren. to do the bulk of the muscle building? Regardless, what do you suggest is a 'good' starting dose for the Test/Tren to get some lean gains?(-off course i am aware everyone is different and so this is subjective) As i stated before, this is only a plan so your opinion and knowledge is much appreciated :)
Teutonic, I work as a trainee doctor so i've seen my fair share off carpel tunnel syndrome :p. With regards to the gear, i have access to plenty amount of the stuff but not a wide range so i can adjust the dosages higher if needed without a problem.

Currently i only have 3 cycles under my belt and i've only ever used Testosterone proprionate pinning EOD and i have a few bottles of it left so i am impartial to switching to another form of Test - after all why change it if it works? :)

What would you suggest is a better dosage for the Test/Tren? For me the biggest worry is any nipple issues - i've always promptly dealt with them when any issues arose using Test. and so i am unsure of what to expect with the Tren. I have plenty of arimidex/tamoxifen/cabergolene on hand should some problems arise. Perhaps you can tell me what dose to use the cabergolene and how often should i have some Prolactin related gyno?

I realise that i am not the most experienced person with regards to the number of cycles i've done and so the Tren. maybe a big jump, but this is due to the fact i am limited to what compounds i have access to and so this will have to do :).

P.S. Picture on it's way soon. I've never been much of a camera person so i'm working on it :D
I dont see nothing wring with trt dose i would up the tren 100mg eod min.... my avi although not all impressive was trt dose test and 100 tren eod
If you want to pin less and use enanthate's - you could plan your cycle out with a general
twice a week injection regimen... and add your test prop to kick off the start of your cycle.

Either way, I look at - "total number of mg's for the week."
It looks like your cycle is on a two week rotation - with the EOD pinning.

Your weekly dosages
test-2 at 210 mg per week
tren-a at 105 mg per week.

Test-a at 210 mg would be much better if you ran your tren - the same or higher.

There is a different % (per mg) in actual test or tren when you compare short and long esters.

A test conversion ratio looks like this.
Test base is - 100% testosterone.
Test prop is about - 84% testosterone.
Test enanthate is about - 70% testosterone.

A tren conversion ratio looks like this.
Tren ace is about - 87% trenbolone.
Tren enanthate is about - 72% trenbolone.

I would run your hCG from the start of the cycle all the way to the end.
500iu's 2x week - 5 weeks on - one week off - "repeat."
Discontinue several days prior to SERM treatment.

Aromasin works great for me to control my estrogen levels.
Your doses are low. Way too low. Not worth the trouble, low. Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Run hcg beginning of cycle up to pct.

test dose is low, up the dose. u r basically on a TRT patients dose.

If you want to pin less and use enanthate's - you could plan your cycle out with a general
twice a week injection regimen... and add your test prop to kick off the start of your cycle.

Either way, I look at - "total number of mg's for the week."
It looks like your cycle is on a two week rotation - with the EOD pinning.

Your weekly dosages
test-2 at 210 mg per week
tren-a at 105 mg per week.

Test-a at 210 mg would be much better if you ran your tren - the same or higher.

There is a different % (per mg) in actual test or tren when you compare short and long esters.

A test conversion ratio looks like this.
Test base is - 100% testosterone.
Test prop is about - 84% testosterone.
Test enanthate is about - 70% testosterone.

A tren conversion ratio looks like this.
Tren ace is about - 87% trenbolone.
Tren enanthate is about - 72% trenbolone.

I would run your hCG from the start of the cycle all the way to the end.
500iu's 2x week - 5 weeks on - one week off - "repeat."
Discontinue several days prior to SERM treatment.

Aromasin works great for me to control my estrogen levels.

OP, all of these post are right on. !!!!!!

I think u got a shit ton of advize here.

I d run say a 400 mg long estered test e or c and u could...could pin it, c, on Sunday.
I mix mixed my prop tren 1-1 50-50, but you could go up....BUT..with tren...go slow. U r so young and I think with 50-50 tren prop m w f a total mg of x,.....good to go.

FOOD is the most anabolic thing you can add. This low dose tren made me very very happy but I m old and very very conservative w drugs now.

U can always s up it after 2-3 weeks...but like say...pill s..if your gonna react bad..less is more manageable.

U r so young son...please heed me..
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