First timer, need advice please


New member

First post and I need advice.

I have access to QV gear, Sust,Test,Deca,Clomid - pretty much everything.

I am looking to put on mass and strength.
I am 32 years old, 205lbs and have been lifting for 6 years naturally
Also, 10-15% bodyfat at 6'
I gained 30+ lbs in this time frame.

It has been tough the last year or so.
getting older, test level decreasing.

I am still training and eating like an animal.

What would be a good,safe beginner cycle?
I was told Test Cypo or Test Decanate is best with clomid at the end.

also a deca-sust stack was recommended but I can't justify putting on
that much size in a 2 month period.
Also, first time with source and I want to gain trust.

also, I don't want to start stacking as an novice

200mg of Test a week with clomid at the end sound good.
side effects with the cycle should be low I assume

I would like to put on 5-15lb and increase strength with this cycle.
would it?

please help
I appreciate all responses
MOst are gonna tell you to use the search button

A good beginner cycle

Test cyp or Test enth
500 a week , Monday 250 Thursday 250.

Have Nolva on hand in case of gyno

Get some Airmidex or L-dex in case the water bloat is too much. .25 per day

Get clomid for post Therapy.. Do some research on post therapy as there are many opinions.

A better cycle
500 week test 1- 10
500 week eq or deca 1-10
Dbol 25mg 1-4

It takes a while before the test kicks in about 4-5 weeks. You can jumpstart your cycle with the Dbol. Dbo is harsh on the liver so you would need some Milk thitle or Tylers-liver detox etc.

I am around the same age and stats as you are and you have been training awhile you should be able to put on 15-20 with either cycle
i agree with triggerfinger or you can do a simple bread&butter like so:

1-10 500mg/wk test
1-10 400mg/wk deca or EQ
1-4 35mg/ED d-bol
wk 12-13 300mg clom / 20 mg nolv ED
wk 13-14 150mg clom / 20 mg nolv ED
wk 15-16 100mg clom / 20 mg nolv ED
wk 16-17 50mg clom / 20mg nolv ED

some people dose the clomid diffrently than others, depends on what you want to do.

you will notice some bloat and water retention which is normal and will go away after your done j

just my $.02
and you should be able to put on around 30 pounds keep about 20 (but of course, it depends on who it is!)
Do a test only cycle for your first cycle, you don't need much you have frsh receptors.

JohnnyB said:
Do a test only cycle for your first cycle, you don't need much you have fresh receptors.


"Thank you"...................... I couldn't agree more. Test Enanthate or Cypionate at 400 mg/week for 8-10 weeks.

There is no way you want to stack 3 compounds your first would you ever know which one did what for you ?? Take your time and learn how individual drugs work for you, there will be plenty of cycles in your future to experiment with stacking.

BTW, the more standard Clomid therapy goes like this;
Day 1 - 300 mg
Day 2-11 - 100 mg/day
Day 12-21 - 50 mg/day
I'd say 300-500mg/wk of Test Cyp or Test Enth for 8-10 weeks.

With plenty of Nolvadex & Clomid post-cycle.
JohnnyB said:
Do a test only cycle for your first cycle, you don't need much you have frsh receptors.


I agree totally with JB, if this is your first cycle, keep it very simple! Your body will respond well considering your diet & training habits are in check. I would recommend Test Enan@500mgs./week for 10 weeks, I would take two shots per week M/Th. Good Luck Bro, keep us posted on what you decide. Also post cycle therapy is very important; HCG, clomid, nolvadex.;)