first timer needing some info

Focus on tuna... Most other fish are too high mercury, sodium, or both. The other fish the pros eat is salmon. Grilled. No fried foods!!!!!
Don't weigh yourself too much often. Then you'll worry about fat gain and all those unnecessary stressors. Hold off on the test until your next plateau, then maybe try a cycle. In the mean time, watch your weight and lifts go up.

yeah fingers crossed might not even need to use any gear , see how the eating goes anyways .. can u recomend good ways to get ripped ? any good gear? or just less fatty foods and alot of light weight training but alot more reps than usuall
If you eat like a pro, you gotta train like a pro and sleep like a pro. Do what feels right. I train atleast an hour. Overtraining usually will only happen if you have a shit diet or are a dumbass and train even when your considerably weaker. You eat alot, you get to train alot. I can't teach you how to train. That's something you have to feel yourself. Typical people train for an hour or so. I train usually about 1-2 and get constant gains, but some people are different. Depends on bodytype as well. I'm an endomesomorph(fatter bodytype but have muscular build) which means I can train longer than most people. If your ectomorph and hard gainer then don't train over an hour. Mesomorph, maybe an hour. Stop once you feel your glycogen has ran out. Once your weights start dropping dramatically on the weight you can do, then stop or you'll be in catabolic mode and burning muscle at that point.
If you eat like a pro, you gotta train like a pro and sleep like a pro. Do what feels right. I train atleast an hour. Overtraining usually will only happen if you have a shit diet or are a dumbass and train even when your considerably weaker. You eat alot, you get to train alot. I can't teach you how to train. That's something you have to feel yourself. Typical people train for an hour or so. I train usually about 1-2 and get constant gains, but some people are different. Depends on bodytype as well. I'm an endomesomorph(fatter bodytype but have muscular build) which means I can train longer than most people. If your ectomorph and hard gainer then don't train over an hour. Mesomorph, maybe an hour. Stop once you feel your glycogen has ran out. Once your weights start dropping dramatically on the weight you can do, then stop or you'll be in catabolic mode and burning muscle at that point.

yeah i usually do about an hour training at the moment then maybe jump on the rowing machine for 10 mins to finish off . ive also found that i always get sore muscles the next day on the area i train but that doesnt bother me as the next day at the gym i always work on a completely diffrent part of my body anyways . im doing 4 days a week at the gym the moment but years back i used to do 6 days a week and i have been readin a few post and it 1 i come across says if u train to hard when your young it can stunt your growth a bit so thts got mee thinking that maybe why i am still roughly the same size as i used to be when i was 16-18 mind i was a big lad compared to most people that age but now ppl from back then i look at them now and there bigger than me lol . but yeah your sure as hell are right about the dieting ive just seen a few other posts and if u aint eating right u aint gonna gain right so thanks for that i wouldnt have even thought of my food as i eat alot anyways just obviously not the right and not enough amounts of it .
Lmao! That's the biggest myth I've heard. Lifting does not stunt your growth, lack of nutrients does... I went from 5"3 to 5"8 from 15-17 and that's when I lifted my heaviest..... You grow from nutrients, not whether you lift or not. There's still not even proof that steroids do that. There's no excuses to not train as often as possible...
I'm don't Sust 350 twice a week I'm on my 5th week but i want to add either low doses of deca or tren. I know ppl usually don't donuts but I'm debating