First Timer with lots of Gear


Amateur Bodybuilder
32 years old 6' 240 lbs. 20% bodyfat lifting 4 years former fighter. First time, got alot of gear from a friend this is what I got Endosyn Test 100 4 of em/ trenabolic 75 4 of em/ Durabolic 100 4 of em/ Sustamed 250mg/ Testoviron 10 of em at 250 mg/ 300 pink Thais/ just got liquidex/ clomid/ hcg. Heres problem never cycled but alot of my friends have so not stupid about but with all these should I D-Bol/test for first cycle or reorginize what I got for first and do my injectable d or oral I know my doses, just want to get the best mix I can. Thank you
First cycle is always test only. You need to know how you will react, and what you will need in the future. You have way too much gear... Do not mix it all for first cycle.
What ester is the test?
I would say test only for a first cycle but I don't have a problem with adding dbol except for that fact it aromatises rapidly and can cause estro problems. Lol.

Endosyn is some good gear so I would do test only or test dbol, then next time do test/deca.
You are absolutely right. Liv52 is good for liver but honestly won't protect it and udca is the bomb while on orals but neither of them can stop the damage but the liver regenerates so it's all good.

Sorry you are right just was making a point that they help but aren't really protection so I should have worded differently and good call on UDCA because most don't use it and should.
Great heads up so loading on my pink thais bad idea for first cycle for liver I only got mthistle
so with my gear what should i do on second cycle as you know I have to much and want best stacks why not my test and dbol wet
the power is instant hard to stop but I will take your word for it so what now stop my pinks and do the test
32 years old 6' 240 lbs. 20% bodyfat lifting 4 years former fighter. First time, got alot of gear from a friend this is what I got Endosyn Test 100 4 of em/ trenabolic 75 4 of em/ Durabolic 100 4 of em/ Sustamed 250mg/ Testoviron 10 of em at 250 mg/ 300 pink Thais/ just got liquidex/ clomid/ hcg. Heres problem never cycled but alot of my friends have so not stupid about but with all these should I D-Bol/test for first cycle or reorginize what I got for first and do my injectable d or oral I know my doses, just want to get the best mix I can. Thank you

I know the doses I want the best two cycle stack I can get out of this.