The combo of gear you have isnt ideal but you can make it work. I'd save the tren, deca and dbol for the future and just run test.
I'm assuming the "Test 100" you have is testosterone propionate?
Since you only have 5 weeks worth of testoviron you could start off the cycle with it pinning 2x per week and switch to the prop for the rest of the cycle pinning everyday.
heres a sample cycle...
Week 1-5 shoot 250mg testoviron (1cc) 2x a week
Week 6-10 shoot 75mg (.75cc) of test 100 everyday
If you notice signs of gyno like itchy or sensitive nipples, or you're extremely bloated, start running the liquidex .5 every other day.
pct starts 3 days after your last pin of test 100 assuming its test prop.
This is just one way you could do it. Theres a few different combinations you could do.