First Timer with lots of Gear

I know the doses I want the best two cycle stack I can get out of this.

then tell us how much you have of each.

how many ml and what mg/ml they are.

then we can start to help, but you're literally just saying "I have sust" and "I have Tren".

you mentioned that you have 10 (are they amps I'm assuming?) of testoviron so thats 5 weeks worth right there.

then tell us how much you have of each.

how many ml and what mg/ml they are.

then we can start to help, but you're literally just saying "I have sust" and "I have Tren".

you mentioned that you have 10 (are they amps I'm assuming?) of testoviron so thats 5 weeks worth right there.

Tren 10 ml 4 vials
test 100/ 10 ml 4 vials
Dbol 100/ 10 ml 4 vials
Sustamed 10 ml 1 vial
testrovine 10 250 mg
300 pinl thais
so this is what I am going to try
pink thais 40mg a day 1-5
test 250mg twice a week 1- dont know how long
liquidex, and liquidnolva pct
unless I got a better syack out of this stuff you propose my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was bunk fake so aint got that now
The combo of gear you have isnt ideal but you can make it work. I'd save the tren, deca and dbol for the future and just run test.

I'm assuming the "Test 100" you have is testosterone propionate?

Since you only have 5 weeks worth of testoviron you could start off the cycle with it pinning 2x per week and switch to the prop for the rest of the cycle pinning everyday.

heres a sample cycle...

Week 1-5 shoot 250mg testoviron (1cc) 2x a week

Week 6-10 shoot 75mg (.75cc) of test 100 everyday

If you notice signs of gyno like itchy or sensitive nipples, or you're extremely bloated, start running the liquidex .5 every other day.

pct starts 3 days after your last pin of test 100 assuming its test prop.

This is just one way you could do it. Theres a few different combinations you could do.
should i run the Sustamed on this cycle with the testoviron? And are you saying just drop my pills of pinks alltogather? Thank you for the help so far
should i run the Sustamed on this cycle with the testoviron? And are you saying just drop my pills of pinks alltogather? Thank you for the help so far

I'd just pick one or the other, the testoviron or the Sustanon (sust). They are both just testosterone. I'd go with the testoviron because you only need to pin it 2x a week, whereas Sustanon (sust) should be pinned EOD.

Personally I'd just do the cycle that I laid out because the first half you only have to pin 2x a week which is good for a beginner.

You can throw in dbol at 40mg/ day for the first 4 weeks to kickstart the cycle.

On the bottle of "test 100" you have does it say Propionate? What does it say exactly?

It's very important to know what ester of test your using for pct start time and injection frequency.

You should have a look at all the sticky threads too theres a ton of good info there.
Took first pin. Will keep posted 3 days of dbol and I think I got gyno. No shit wow pretty sensitive to it take liquidex should I just drop the dbol and continue with the pins
Do you really have gyno? Prob not what do you have that makes you think that. Sensitive nipples? Start running dex at .50 eod
Do you really have gyno? Prob not what do you have that makes you think that. Sensitive nipples? Start running dex at .50 eod

sensitive nips feels like a bruise kinda pain when i press and swollen left side only. freakin crazy 4 dam days of 30mg pink thais I had to of hit it or shave burn on nipple Im a wait one more day before dex I am not retaining water or bloat though
Do you really have gyno? Prob not what do you have that makes you think that. Sensitive nipples? Start running dex at .50 eod

should i drop dbol? Im pretty strong guy and this is first time and the dbol has been insane after 4 days on my lifts. So I want to keep it for the remainder of the three weeks left. But four days in and gyno took first pin yesterday of testrovine the dbol to much for my body?
Holy Pussy give a dude a heads up on opening the test depot vile owwwww glass is tuff to break sliced the shit out of me dammit, and that 1 1/2 pin is scary as hell very thick oil any tips on opening them dam things
Holy Pussy give a dude a heads up on opening the test depot vile owwwww glass is tuff to break sliced the shit out of me dammit, and that 1 1/2 pin is scary as hell very thick oil any tips on opening them dam things
Holy Pussy give a dude a heads up on opening the test depot vile owwwww glass is tuff to break sliced the shit out of me dammit, and that 1 1/2 pin is scary as hell very thick oil any tips on opening them dam things

A week into it and already hilarious consequenses.....this is going to be a good log I can tell hehe
okay 20 gauge pins bad idea I take it the harpoon I'm using can be smaller? lots of blood after my injections yes I aspirate first this normal since needle so big the blood after pull out? all and all gyno down going great so far I'm a bad bad man. but seriously these 20 gauge pins make me shake like a sunabitch everytime. woooo
with the Sustanon (sust) u just need to shoot it eod for the first three weeks till the longer lasting esters kick in though u wud probably be safer off just nat using it and sticking to the prop its fast acting an has minimal side effects you cud try sumthing like this
week1 to 12 100mg test prop eod(1ml)
week1 to 4 50mg Dbol ed
its easy for people to give u advice but i know if i was in your shoes and had a stock pile of juice i would probably be making up my own super cycle and combining most of it , i just would try not to combine tren with deca use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout and have a pct ready , my problem is my twelve week cycles end up running into 20 week cycles.
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