First Timer


New member
Hey everyone I am new to this game and would like some of your expert advice... I am 23 years old 6'2 222lbs 15% bf and have been working out naturally for 5 years (2 seriously and correctly lol) I have a cycle coming next week for sustanon 250. I was thinking of running it twice a week (monday 250mg and thursday 250mg) for a total of ten weeks.
wks1-10 500mg sustanon
For post cycle therapy (pct) i have clomid- is that good?? should I get something else as well???
I will be training one day on a one day off and lifting heavy till failure.
I eat pretty good about 4-5 meals a day concentrating mainly on high protein foods. When I start my cycle ill jump that up to 6-8 meals a day. high protein low fat. My goal is to eventually to be 240lbs with 8% bodyfat. What sort of gains can I expect from this cycle??? How much can I keep with proper post cycle therapy (pct)?? Has anyone else tried this cycle?? Im looking forward to the responses and thanks for the help-

Mr.Biggins said:
Hey everyone I am new to this game and would like some of your expert advice... I am 23 years old 6'2 222lbs 15% bf and have been working out naturally for 5 years (2 seriously and correctly lol) I have a cycle coming next week for sustanon 250. I was thinking of running it twice a week (monday 250mg and thursday 250mg) for a total of ten weeks.
wks1-10 500mg sustanon
For post cycle therapy (pct) i have clomid- is that good?? should I get something else as well???
I will be training one day on a one day off and lifting heavy till failure.
I eat pretty good about 4-5 meals a day concentrating mainly on high protein foods. When I start my cycle ill jump that up to 6-8 meals a day. high protein low fat. My goal is to eventually to be 240lbs with 8% bodyfat. What sort of gains can I expect from this cycle??? How much can I keep with proper PCT?? Has anyone else tried this cycle?? Im looking forward to the responses and thanks for the help-


Your plan for your cycle is sound. Test is best, and a ton of people have started with this bread and butter cycle you've planned. I like your diet and training plan too.

You don't need anything other than clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) but it never hurts to use HCG during the cycle. It is worthwhile if it is available.

I hope you have an antiestrogen such as arimidex on hand in case you experience side effects such as gynomastia. DO NOT start your cycle unless and until you have something on hand. If you don't and start to have problems, it may be too late to do something about it and I always read sad stories about how shipments got lost, plans fell through, etc. and guys now have boobs.

Its impossible to predict gains - it is very individual. However, I'll speculate a bit. 10-20 lbs. is possible, and you should be able to keep perhaps 75% of what you gain.
Thanks TrevDog!! I don't have any arimidex, but will definitely get some before I begin Im in no hurry. With the arimidex is there a certain way to cycle it.
Mr.Biggins said:
Thanks TrevDog!! I don't have any arimidex, but will definitely get some before I begin Im in no hurry. With the arimidex is there a certain way to cycle it.

Again, its pretty individual, with some people needing larger doses and some smaller. It takes some experimentation to see what works for you in terms of controlling any side effects and/or limiting water retention.

The manufacturer of the pharmacy version makes it in 1 mg. pills. Many people don't need that much every day, and might just take one every other day or less frequently. It often comes dissolved or suspended into water or alcohol, so you can easily use less than 1 mg. per day. Personally, I can generally get by with perhaps .25 mg. per day as I have never had problems with estrogen but I like to prevent aromatization to some extent to keep water retention down.
Another tough question. While it is *possible* to keep your bodyfat about the same while "bulking", it is difficult at best. It is even harder to actually lose fat while gaining muscle.

Most people find that when attempting to bulk it is much more efficient to go at it all out - allow for some fat gain as you focus on training hard, eating as much as possible, and sleeping. If you stay away from too many simple sugars (except around your workout) and too much fat, and you include some cardio, fat gains can be kept reasonable.

By tolerating some fat gain, generally you can gain a LOT more muscle than if you fretted about it. Then, with the additional muscle, you are in a better position to focus on getting lean, perhaps by running a cycle devoted to cutting. Each additional pound of muscle you gained when bulking will burn about 30 extra calories per day at rest, so it is now easier to cut because your body now consumes more calories going about your daily activities. It is now easier to create the caloric deficit you need to lose fat without starving yourself.
Most people would probably disagree, but personally I have had success in devoting part of a cycle to all out bulking and then switching gears to cutting. Personally, I can't eat my brains out for 10-12 weeks - I start gagging on all the food and my gains slow or stop.

However, I have been able to stuff myself hardcore for 5-6 weeks. Then, as my gains start to level out, I can switch gears and focus on cutting for 5-6 weeks, perhaps running some T3 and clenbuterol during this time.

Again, most people get better results from running a full bulking cycle, taking a few months off to transition and recover, and then running a full cutting cycle. However, the "half bulk, half cut" cycle has worked for me.
Thanks trevdog! You have been very helpful. My plan is to do the Sustanon (sust) 250 for ten weeks trying to put on as much weight as I can...Then Ill take 3-4 months off from a cycle and try a test/deca or a test/eq because I heard those are both great second cycles. But I will concentrate on that when the time comes around right now im just going to focus on the Sustanon (sust) and try and get huge and to keep as much of my gains as I can.
Nice reply!! I don't believe I have ever seen a response like that.... Makes sense to me, especially if it works for you!! There has always been the either, bulk or cut response for cycles response, so your answer and experience is interesting enough to consider!! I don't see a reason of why it shouldn't work... New arena broached!! Why wait for months later, to get what you may have the ability to get today!! Know your body and how it works!!!