Flat and soft on TREN, tst cycle - HELP


New member
I take 300mg tren ace a week, tst ace 100mg week and my muscles are soft and flat. My vessels are not popping as fuck. That's really weird. I eat 800g carbs a day and 400g protein a day. I drink 6-8 liters water a day.

I also tried to use 3 IU of insulin before each meal but no change (WTF? Everybody is full as fuck on INSULIN!)

What can cause muscles and soft Flatness EXCEPT glycogen depletion?

Fucking neurotransmitters in the brain? Low levels of acetylcholine, dopamine?
Low e2, High e2, High Progesteron, vasoconstriction vessels in muscles etc. ?
It's really depressing.
Your doing tren as a first Cycle horrible idea bro and you threw slin in the mix. Please stop, pct and rethink your approach. Learn diet training and very important read the newbie stickies on gear choice your first should be test e/c 12 weeks with a ai.
Your doing tren as a first Cycle horrible idea bro and you threw slin in the mix. Please stop, pct and rethink your approach. Learn diet training and very important read the newbie stickies on gear choice your first should be test e/c 12 weeks with a ai.

I thought the same thing at first then I realized it doesn't say 1st it says "tst" so guessing he's abbreviating testosterone, so I wonder what cycle it is for him... maybe its not his first, well I hope not.

Are you taking any other meds besides the AAS? Have you changed any other variable at all?

Any other relevant info? You sure the gears real?
I am mesomorph. My BF is no more than 8% BF never.
This is not my first cycle, LOL. I doing progress. Strong as fuck, muscle gaining as fuck, but FLAT and SOFT. I hate this feeling. Tren causes the same as T3 feeling.

Since I am flat on SLIN , there will a problem in blood flow. Probably my blood vessels are not able relaxes(vasoconstriction)
and it causes soft and flat feeling.
Well goddman it son why the hell are asking us question s if your the know all do all 8 percent ( bullshit bullshit bullshit) monster gaining strongman whose obviously lying your ass off for attention.
Post a pic or piss off.
Well goddman it son why the hell are asking us question s if your the know all do all 8 percent ( bullshit bullshit bullshit) monster gaining strongman whose obviously lying your ass off for attention.
Post a pic or piss off.

I was just thinking the same thing, jeesh what's the point of the questions if you know all the answers!

With that said if you have so much vasoconstriction that your muscles are flat it sounds like your dying, literally. If you had no blood flow to your muscles you wouldn't be stronger you would be weaker, it's so silly I can't even keep writing... It would be a whole host of wild shit if your muscles were some how lacking proper blood flow. This theory means your heart would be lacking blood flow too... Idk seems like your off the track mad scientist.
Well goddman it son why the hell are asking us question s if your the know all do all 8 percent ( bullshit bullshit bullshit) monster gaining strongman whose obviously lying your ass off for attention.
Post a pic or piss off.

Gosh, I'd really like to see 8% SOFT and FLAT body fat. On the bright side, 3iu of insulin is next to nothing for the 800g of carbs. I also want to know how one stays at such an amazing body fat while consuming 4900 calories, not including fats.

Please teach me OP! :whipping:
Teach u to be a douche bag, HW ?
Can t.
We both quit making call s for attention like that after weened from mom s mammary s.

Men are funny. Take s 9 month s to get out of a woman 3-4 month s get off tit s and a LIFETIME trying to get tittie s back in range to suck on and to get back into THERE...
Thank you very much for your nice reply. Next question. Why at extremely low estradiol people extremely flat, soft,dehydrated, cant pump in the gym and can not do anything to reverse? Please expert explanation.
How do you Even draw up 3ius were did u pull that dose from
10 morning
10post workout
5days on 2off
I would like to bump it up to 20but I'm to scared seeing good results seem to be filling out a bit more slin definitely works your just an idiot
Your answers were all wrong. One professional bodybuilder recommend me use of Anavar with trenbolone. Because trenbolone eat all ATP (aka endogenous creatine). So I added anavar 50mg daily and even start FULL AS FUCK!

So if our ATP reserves are depleted, insulin is absolutely useless.
Your answers were all wrong. One professional bodybuilder recommend me use of Anavar with trenbolone. Because trenbolone eat all ATP (aka endogenous creatine). So I added anavar 50mg daily and even start FULL AS FUCK!

So if our ATP reserves are depleted, insulin is absolutely useless.

Your answers were all wrong. One professional bodybuilder recommend me use of Anavar with trenbolone. Because trenbolone eat all ATP (aka endogenous creatine). So I added anavar 50mg daily and even start FULL AS FUCK!

So if our ATP reserves are depleted, insulin is absolutely useless.

Your not all there are you
Thank you very much for your nice reply. Next question. Why at extremely low estradiol people extremely flat, soft,dehydrated, cant pump in the gym and can not do anything to reverse? Please expert explanation.

low e2, tren, slin (small slin dose really...), 8% and flat?

pics please. makes no sense.
Your answers were all wrong. One professional bodybuilder recommend me use of Anavar with trenbolone. Because trenbolone eat all ATP (aka endogenous creatine). So I added anavar 50mg daily and even start FULL AS FUCK!

So if our ATP reserves are depleted, insulin is absolutely useless.


is total nonsense.
Your answers were all wrong. One professional bodybuilder recommend me use of Anavar with trenbolone. Because trenbolone eat all ATP (aka endogenous creatine). So I added anavar 50mg daily and even start FULL AS FUCK!

So if our ATP reserves are depleted, insulin is absolutely useless.

I seriously am having a hard time here, as I can't tell if English isn't your first language, or if you're just a highly functional retard.