I guess, in a perfect world, id love to slap some articles up that completely contradict cvictorg's second post is it...??.... On this board. But the only research that i could really find to contradict this article is that no one even knows when it was written as the article has no date.....so thats pretty helpful! And the article pertains to osteopathic medicine which is a field completely non associated with the field of anti-aging medicine that is overseen by the a4m society of america..... So i'm a bit confused that with your vast knowledge of medical regulations, how you cant differenciate defferent medical fields??????? It seems to me like you are an individual that is using your second ever post to try and stir a pot that isn't even on the stove? I don't think i ever remember getting a phone call or e-mail from you showing interest in being a client so how exactely does the misinformation in your second post apply to.... Ummm... Anything?
Second off, i am not the owner of spectrum services. I am a consultant that has changed just about every life i've touched in a positive manner and given hundreds upon hundreds of clients back their youth. If all of our business which is 100% legitimate is governed by the regulations of the fda, and our company has never so much as had a single conformity issue, while many other companies have been shut down for exactely those reasons, than why exactely was my name personally brought into this and why was this post even written in the first place when you dont even know the differences in fields of medicine that you are talking. I could be mistaken, but it doesn't seem as though you are a person that has any need or desire for legal hrt/trt, so your vast wealth of knowledge may be better suited in a different forum trying to cause trouble there...?