DIM is not that great imho.You would be much better off giving PP formestane and sustain alpha a shot,inlcudes most of this formula and leaves out what I believe to be not so great. just my two cents.
This has got to be the lamest thing I have ever heard!!! No logic in your statement what so ever, please learn to be a better rep for pp bro.
You're saying that because of one ingredient DIM ( which btw is great topically) some one should go and pay for
1 sustain 49.95
1 Formestane-LV 29.95
+ the 10 bucks shipping charge for a total of 90.00 damn dollars and ground shipping.
when they can get forma-stanzol for 45.00 with the needto10 discount and not get charged at all for 2-3 day priority shipping!!!
Please I ask you my friend. Where the fuck is a logic in that???
Not only that did you know ( I bet not) that formastane was once a prescription drug. The patten name on that drug was Lentaron I.M. Depot® . It was made in injectable form!!! Have any clue why a million dollar drug company would make a injectalbe and not a oral??? HMM well because all studies show in oral form 4-Hydroxyandrostenedione aka formastane was weaker then Lentaron I.M. Depot®
Although more recent studies have shown that "much much higher" oral dosing can work. but test still prove IM is stronger by far and everyone knows transdermal is the next best thing to IM. Lets look at some studies. ( since you wanted to send a bunch of people into my thread and fuck with me!!!!...
Dose-related Endocrine Effects and Pharmacokinetics of Oral and Intramuscular 4-Hydroxyandrostenedione in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients ? Cancer Res
What does this study prove??? Well it shows that in order for oral formastane to even be considered worth anything at all, it takes a dose of 250mg a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! spread out through out the day because it only has a 5 hour half life AT MOST.
pp's formastane lv has 20mg per dose 125 doses per bottle for a whopping 2500mg total. So whats that mean?????? You got 10 days worth of an effective dose of oral formastane not 30 days and not even close to the 60 days worth you can get out of a bottle of forma-stanzol!!!!
So going back. I now have to change my math. In order to get the same you need
2 bottles of sustain
3 bottles of formastan lv
Now you do the math. Peace out