frequency of pinning TREN question...


New member
The amount of Tren Ace i have on hand gives me 2 options for the 8 weeks I want to run it:

A. Pin 50mg M-T-W-T-F, so 50mg every day except saturday and sunday

B. Pin 50mg eod throughout the whole 8 weeks continuously

which option would be better?
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What test are you running and any other compounds?
Most specifically, I want to know the esters of the other compounds.
Of the two options, EoD.

Also for future reference: if you don't get a reply within 30 mins, don't worry about it. Give it time. It's night time in Europe and the US.
If u even have to ask the frequency of pinning tren then you obviously aren't ready at all. Not even 5 minutes of searching would tell you that!
It was because of my AI dosing megatron. And holy shit, I guess this is the place to come to get ridiculed right tbone? I have done plenty enough research and if I had the stock I would run it ed continuously but I dont. Damn...
i have a question regarding tren, can it be pinned on Eod scheduled? like mon,wed and frid. skipping sat and sun ?
i have a question regarding tren, can it be pinned on Eod scheduled? like mon,wed and frid. skipping sat and sun ?

I'm guessing you could but I don't like going one day without, so 2 would piss me off. I can feel the ups and downs on eod.
Are you just stuck on wanting to do 8 weeks?

You could run the eod option for 11 weeks and see a lot more I think. I know ace kicks in fast but 8 weeks is a short cycle.
Well that doesn't make any sense. If your going to do whatever it is you want then why post questions?