funny little story check this out guys.


New member
So I was in the shower and my wife runs in the bathroom all excited and goes your never gonna believe what I got you. So she is always bitching at me bc im always doing research on gear and suplments. She dnt like the fact that I have decided to start using injectables but deals with it.... barely lol. So I peak my head out the shower and my wife has 4 vials in her hands. I was so fucking happy you guys I jumped out the shower it was still running and I went to grab her to give her a big kiss and thats when I got a closer look at the vials. View attachment 559846
Fucking contacts she got me contacts talk about disappointed. I cant get the other pic to unload but you get the idea. I went from 0 to 120 and then back down to 0 all in like 5 seconds
it works every time just make sure your couch is comfortable. or be prepared to actual get tickets to hawaii. thats a not so funny story for another day.
So when SHE takes a shower...put a dye pack in the showerhead and it will turn the water purple or any color it comes out.

Materials: Kool-aid single pack or 20 of them ( I added 20 cause it was ) and a shower head

Step 1- unscrew the shower head

Step 2- pour the kool-aid mix in the shower head where the water comes out

Step 3- screw the shower head back on

Step 4- Turn on the water or wait for your victim!

Or put Flour in her Blowdryer for faster effect if the shower doesn't work because she'll have to wait for hot water.
Fucking contacts she got me contacts talk about disappointed. I cant get the other pic to unload but you get the idea. I went from 0 to 120 and then back down to 0 all in like 5 seconds

I must be really tired Lol. I stared at the image for a solid two minutes trying to figure out the brand. Too funny!

The question is, was she intentionally messing with you, or did she really get excited over contacts? If the former, a harmless prank is in order. Maybe some HCG on a pregnancy test... ;)
I must be really tired Lol. I stared at the image for a solid two minutes trying to figure out the brand. Too funny!

The question is, was she intentionally messing with you, or did she really get excited over contacts? If the former, a harmless prank is in order. Maybe some HCG on a pregnancy test... ;)

me too!!! Im like I cant see the label! hahaha!

OMG that prank will get to her LMFAO..
I must be really tired Lol. I stared at the image for a solid two minutes trying to figure out the brand. Too funny!

The question is, was she intentionally messing with you, or did she really get excited over contacts? If the former, a harmless prank is in order. Maybe some HCG on a pregnancy test... ;)

Bwaahahahaaa I did the same !!!
Hahaha you guys are two funny no she said she didn't know I would think it was test. Ill see if I can get the other pic you can really tell its not.