
Hey Omega,have you thought about making different flavors like say orange or raspberry just to get rid of that gritty taste people have been saying.

IntensityX said:
Hey Omega,have you thought about making different flavors like say orange or raspberry just to get rid of that gritty taste people have been saying.


nope we decided against it.......

its an earthy flavor that really dissipates when you mix it with richly flavored items like chocolate or banana.

it very rich in protien so your cheapest bet is this

1.5-2 scoops of Gplenish with a banana and milk:40oz:


1.5-2 scoops of Gplenish with falvored oatmeal

if you want to bump up portein even more then add it to your protein shakes
ps here is my post workout shake

3 huge tablespoons of G-plenish
3 caps gluccorell-r
10 grams creatine
2 unflavored oatmeal packets
2 flavored oatmeal packets
2 cups milk
so Omega, in your PWO shake, you just rely on the protein content in the G-Plenish.........instead of adding a scoop or two of protein powder?
Hi J steel =-)

yes, I do, but I put 3 huge tablesoons and enough falvored oatmeal to offset the taste

for me thats 2 packets of flavored oatmeal......

all my other meal are form whole foods.........

I do a gigantic dose post wokout, and have NEVER recoverd faster from my workouts.

I never get sore any more, and about 20-30 minutes after injestion of that huge post workout drink, I feel energy levels pick up again, while feeling fuller at the same time.......

I have no idea why G-plenish gives me that perpetual pump feeling??

at it aint placebo:)
i agree on the perpetual pump feeling. i didn't get to take it for about a week......by accident, i had waited till my supply was gone before i reordered. anyway, by the end of that week i actually felt less full and somewhat flat. once i got more G-plenish and started it up again in my PWO shake, i felt that fullness again after a couple days.............i have no idea why it happens, but i don't feel it is in my head. good stuff.
thanks bro,

the best part out of all of it is that its just plain good for your for health reasons,

from what I understand Biggie sells it to a group of Docs up in Canada

and that really make me happy for I know it will help......=-)

take care J
hey Omega, do you have any info on long-term use of glutamine in peptide form. is there any stress to the body? i.e., kidneys, etc...

in other words should it be cycled, like what is done with creatine, or is it safe to always supplement with it.

its nothing but good for you, especially for overall health and digestive intergrity, if anything your body incurrs less stress while on it

no cycleing is needed