Gear & Beer question



I need to clairify that stement about drinking while I lift.

I work out in the morning sober all sets untill failure. I get home from work aroud 4:00 PM and this is my drinkin time, I just like to hit the weights between A few beers...

damn bro, i have same problem not with beer though... before i used to only drink (liquor) when i worked (djin) lately ive been working alot almost every night, and every night i tell my girl no tab no tab we are not drinking i end up getting fucked up all by myself, on and off cycle ive been doing this :/ never had any problems health wise so far... knock on wood... i found out leaving your wallet at home is the best solution... :)

I know what your going through, bro. I myself have been a heavy drinker for years. Mostly due to boredom, but then it quickly became habit.

I haven't had a drop in about a month now. I must say my mind is much clearer. It took a lot for me to quit. I almost lost my wife, business, everything. It was hard for the first 3 weeks not to pick up a drink. I had cold sweats at night, I'd get nervous and anxious, the whole shabang. Now that I'm over the month point it's getting easier and easier as the days go on. Grant it I still want to drink when I have a bad day, but I remind myself of all that I almost lost (and ended my ass in jail for a week and still have to go to court) and all that I still could lose.

I'm just 1 measly month dry, so I'm not trying to preach and please don't take it that way. But now that I am dry my work-outs have been much improved, memory is better and although I can't see it I'm sure my liver is giving me a BIG thumbs up.

Now, instead of sitting around drinking I'll go to the movies or hit the gym again. And you wouldn't believe how much money I'm saving from not buying booze every day. More money for gear and supps!:)

It's no cake walk, but believe me, you'll feel much better in the bigger scheme of things.

I hope you work this out, bro. It's VERY possible. Shit, if I can do it ANY-FUCKIN'-BODY can! Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it won't matter.

Have you ever had your blood checked? I know when i used to drink 6-8 beers a day i had elevated liver values and i hadnt touched steroids yet. Gear will make that worse.
I'm a dj that plays thur-saturday and those three days kill my training and my diet.... Beer has a bad effect on everything when you overdo it.