Gen-shi underdosed, is this true???


Performance Trainer.
I herd some of Gen-Shi's batchs where underdosed. Like the Testo E 1250. I read on another forum that is was like half. Like 250mg/ml is 150mg/ml. Is this true, how would I know besides blood test?
Only way to know is blood tests. It is sadly that simple. You can't trust other peoples word on it. You never really know what some ones agenda is. People are sneaky and the sneakiest people are always smart enough to be the last one's you would suspect. Basically you never know when some one is a rep for a company or possibly just doesn't want you to get as big as them.
I bet their are guys out their insecure enough to recommend a fake brand to a friend or under dosed brand just so their friend does not get bigger than them.
I've ran gen - shi test-e and dbol bro and had great results. My gf has also ran their var and she loved it as well so my experiences with them are all thumbs up. Sometimes it might not be the ugl but perhaps the source
I have ran Gen Shi Test-E recently. Mine was definitely NOT under-dosed. They are GTG my friend.
There are many reasons people will claim under dosed gear, hidden agenda is always a main cause but then you also need to take into account that 75-80% of people running said compounds have no clue what they are doing or talking about. A lot will get less than stellar results and their complaint is always the gear. Its gotta be the gear right, lol... I didn't gain 20+ lbs so its gotta be underdosed, f**kin crappy lab.. Take a look at most of their diet and I guarantee therein lies the issue not the gear. With larger well reputable labs like gen-shi as well as others who have been around for quite a while now it is in their best interest to keep the gear consistent not to try and cut corners, from a business stand point and a large client base it would greatly affect their profit by under dosing their gear. I'm not saying that a lot don't under dose but you tend to see it more frequently in more of the newer labs looking to make a huge amount of money in a very short time as they know and don't care that they will not be around for very long. I've seen it so many times where a new lab will have overdosed gear or well dosed gear for the first couple of batchs to hook the clients and then cut the active hormone in half and continue to sell until the negative reviews outweigh the positive, at this point they will usually just shut it down and pop up under a new identity and continue the vicious circle.
I'm only running 250mg/wk so if I am running underdosed gear, I would be fuckkin myself horribly. Im just tryin 2 break like 1300ng/dl thats all. It would be some funny shit, test levels being 300ng/dl and LH 0.3 FSH 0.3 or something like that.
without bloods this is a waste of time.. unless someone has a spectrum analyzer
Only way to know is blood tests. It is sadly that simple. You can't trust other peoples word on it. You never really know what some ones agenda is. People are sneaky and the sneakiest people are always smart enough to be the last one's you would suspect. Basically you never know when some one is a rep for a company or possibly just doesn't want you to get as big as them.

So what would the blood tests reflect? I had my tests drawn 5 weeks into using 650mg/week (split into 2 doses) of Gen-Shi labs sust. My results came back today my total test measured 1980 ng/dl. I don't have the free test levels. Would this be consistent with gear that is accurately dosed? I have seen guys talking about 100mg/week try doses putting them just over 400 ng/dl. With straight math(I know, not perfect way to estimate) wouldn't that have me around 2,500 ng/dl?
So what would the blood tests reflect? I had my tests drawn 5 weeks into using 650mg/week (split into 2 doses) of Gen-Shi labs sust. My results came back today my total test measured 1980 ng/dl. I don't have the free test levels. Would this be consistent with gear that is accurately dosed? I have seen guys talking about 100mg/week try doses putting them just over 400 ng/dl. With straight math(I know, not perfect way to estimate) wouldn't that have me around 2,500 ng/dl?

where did you get it from?
Sorry wasnt thinkin, but I really wanna know if Im shooting to little. I go to my doctor on the 18th but I gotta reorder again and don't want to order the same underdosed shit. Like I want 1350ng/dl not 400ng/dl. I don't wanna shut down for nothing.
Sorry wasnt thinkin, but I really wanna know if Im shooting to little. I go to my doctor on the 18th but I gotta reorder again and don't want to order the same underdosed shit. Like I want 1350ng/dl not 400ng/dl. I don't wanna shut down for nothing.

You're g2g bro. I've ran lots of shit from gen-shi and never been let down.
You're g2g bro. I've ran lots of shit from gen-shi and never been let down.

Yeah but I'm concerned about under dosing if 600mg/week of a different brand caused test results of 3,900 and gen-shi at 650/week caused results of 1,900. Test results may vary from individual to individual, but this is a huge difference that could only be caused by a variation in the actual doses. Unfortunately I think it's more plausible for one company to underdosed to save money, than it is for the other to overdose and lose money. Any thoughts guys?
I'm only running 250mg/wk so if I am running underdosed gear, I would be fuckkin myself horribly. Im just tryin 2 break like 1300ng/dl thats all. It would be some funny shit, test levels being 300ng/dl and LH 0.3 FSH 0.3 or something like that.

250mg is not much at all. I would up your dose a bit, til you get the desired results (along with diet and training of course). JMO---I'd pin 2x week??? So go from 250mg to 325mg/week. Pin .75mL 2x week.
Yeah but I'm concerned about under dosing if 600mg/week of a different brand caused test results of 3,900 and gen-shi at 650/week caused results of 1,900. Test results may vary from individual to individual, but this is a huge difference that could only be caused by a variation in the actual doses. Unfortunately I think it's more plausible for one company to underdosed to save money, than it is for the other to overdose and lose money. Any thoughts guys?

Is this hypothetical or this was your real lab results? And I could definitely see it being more plausible for a new company to underdose their shit but gen-shi is not a new company at all. I don't think they would make out if they started to underdose their gear. People of course notice and most of us get pretty annual blood testing with multiple people taking gen-shi I'm sure. They would be out of business. So I would think that perhaps over dosing their gear would not be worth it but under dosing wouldn't either. I think their gear is dosed nothing more or less than correctly
Jack3d, my actual lab result was 1,980 ng/dl of testosterone. The blood was drawn at the befining of week 5, dosing gen shi sust at 2.5ml per week(split into two weekly shots). They claim 250mg/ml, which would mean 625mg of test per week. And my results were under 2,000.
Jack3d, my actual lab result was 1,980 ng/dl of testosterone. The blood was drawn at the befining of week 5, dosing gen shi sust at 2.5ml per week(split into two weekly shots). They claim 250mg/ml, which would mean 625mg of test per week. And my results were under 2,000.

Damn Bro maybe a bad batch or perhaps they really are slipping. That's disappointing