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mr gear

New member
Hey guys im a newbie
Just need some help

ive been taking deca 50 durabol for 3 weeks 3ml per week
and ive just started cycling sus 250with it 3ml per week aswell

so far ive put on 4kgs in 3weeks but my strenth has gone though the roof and i have started thicking up

Now i want a good diet can someone help me out????

Also i notice when i eat i get real full and feels like the food is at my throat
is this normal

Pls help
Please provide some details of what your current diet looks like on a daily basis. It will be easier to critique it that way.
I know what you mean about feeling too full. Eating every three hours like a bodybuilder has me feeling sick all the time, and I crap way too much. Not to mention going into the poor house buying food and supplements. It's getting to the point where I almost don't like food any more. Maybe our problem is that we're eating too much at one sitting. I'm going to try cutting back on my portions and see if that works.
I just want some 1 to point me on the right direction on what to eat at what times thats all

Can some one help?????