GenHeal HGH feed back wanted

Using "Bro Science" I cranked up the IU's on Generic Blue Tops and got all the sides at 6ius/single pin ED. (The sides are most prominent with single injections).

Bottom line is Generic HGH is REAL and no injection site issues so it's clean too.

Just IMO.

I'll be running Generic 2ui's while blasting and 3ui's while cruising.

is this a typo 2iu blasting 3iu cruising?
Bloods today bloods today bloods today!!!! Just a reminder :D lol.

Feeling any sides yet?

going in 30 min LOL thanks for the reminder.

None other than sleepiness aprox 1 post inject and it hits like a club.

I'm not one that gets alot of sides! from alot of different products. I tried rediculious amounts of GHRP6 and not so much as a snicker craving. Did nothing for my hunger. I tried several differnt supliers.

This is another reason I do bloods. Tren,Deca I can walk around pokin holes in doors from the woody!

So I don't base any thing on sides for my self.
this makes 3 giuys that had blood work done recently for these genheal. A guy on another board is testing serum GH levels and Phat and another guy are doing IGF-1 levels. Sometime this week we should have 3 different tests to be able to help us size up the quality on this GH.

User I know you and O are friends, maybe get his permission to copy his test results over here?
Zeek U know My opinon on the Serum level don't meen shit but intresting to see none the less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genheal is supposedly Human Grade HGH from China, not generic like most sources sell.
Alright thats what i needed to know. I read about alot of actors are running HGH as a anti aging drug... wow im so amazed by this more and more i research it. does any body know of any study on HGH?
Well Bloods are at the doc office but she hasn't reviewed it yet so the staff won't release the numbers LOL LOL lOL ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was told most likely have the answer this afternoon!
Well Bloods are at the doc office but she hasn't reviewed it yet so the staff won't release the numbers LOL LOL lOL ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was told most likely have the answer this afternoon!

Damn I hate when they do shit like that!! really dying to see the results!