GenHeal HGH feed back wanted

Just a short add to today's post!

I just got home from running around. The general over all sense of well being is nice.
Just a short add to today's post!

I just got home from running around. The general over all sense of well being is nice.

Spongy - I notice you have the Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) logo in your ID there. Have you checked with them on GH? I'm sure it's pricey, but you know it's legit.....
Spongy - I notice you have the Maximus Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) logo in your ID there. Have you checked with them on GH? I'm sure it's pricey, but you know it's legit.....

I sure have Bro. Way out of my price range right now. I'm on my way to a nice promotion so I'm sure it's in the cards in the future. But until then the Genheal looks promising. Will wait for bloods though lol.
Ok boys, after a few days on Genheal here is what I can tell you. At 3iu's PWO IM, I am going hypo unless I eat carbs immedialtey. I am taking the same 3iu dose at night...I am falling alseep immediatley and waking up after approx 2-3 hrs, SOAKING WET!.

Thoughts fellas?

God Bless,

what else are you taking? I have not experienced this. Maybe Zeek or someone else could give you more input.
Same 4iu dose today same stuff to report. Feel great over all, great sleep!

I will remind everyone. I just had the shoulder surgery last tuesday so I am not working out at all at the momment. I will touch on that just a bit, I have almost full mobility as far as range of motion. no pain at all unless I put a load on it. Havent takin pain pills since day 2. I'm not sayin it contributed to any thing other than a Great surgen, But I think he is going to shit when I go in tomorrow. LOL
today 4iu still feel great

I surprised at people lack of intrest to evaute a dose of there choosing! So SPONGY is the winner.

Tomorrow is blood draw day! I will be using same dose of 4iu. Would expect to have results by Wednesday roughly.

I would like to note after talking to and Endo friend of mine yesterday. In his practice they they typically wait 3months to test as it takes time for IGF1 levels to rise! This will be intresting to see the results.

As you guys can see. I take what I but in my body seriuos! I do my own research come to places like this for IDEAS and INPUTS to Research. As well as contact people that make a living using such products. Then form my own opinion by bottom line results.
today 4iu still feel great

I surprised at people lack of intrest to evaute a dose of there choosing! So SPONGY is the winner.

yeah buddy! :dj:

It seems like a reasonable dosage so maybe no one thought differently?

I agree that you have to run your own research if you want to know how something works. Seems like we've all been too trusting with certain products lately (nothing specific, just a general statement).
Looking forward to seeing results

We all are LOL
yeah buddy! :dj:

It seems like a reasonable dosage so maybe no one thought differently?

I agree that you have to run your own research if you want to know how something works. Seems like we've all been too trusting with certain products lately (nothing specific, just a general statement).

Yeah I know bud, I just wish more people were willing. Just seems crazy to me.
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OK fellas

I screwed up slept threw the 2hr window I wanted to hit on the blood draw Friday so I will be going in Monday.

Had a good nap though LOL
OK fellas

I screwed up slept threw the 2hr window I wanted to hit on the blood draw Friday so I will be going in Monday.

Had a good nap though LOL

Haha! It must be working well for you bro! Hell, I'm willing to wait a couple more days, but just because it's you :D
Using "Bro Science" I cranked up the IU's on Generic Blue Tops and got all the sides at 6ius/single pin ED. (The sides are most prominent with single injections).

Bottom line is Generic HGH is REAL and no injection site issues so it's clean too.

Just IMO.

I'll be running Generic 2ui's while blasting and 3ui's while cruising.
Don't recall anyone saying Generic wasn't real? Problems with generics is you do not know what your getting. The consistancy has been proven to be inconsistant by mass spectrometer test over and over! The recent events in December shows no supplier is amune to getting bunk HGH. As 5 or 6 of the top supliers all got burned in December.