gettin the chills bad


New member
i've been running 750mgs/wk of test for the last 4weeks, and the shits def working, i've gained 11lbs in the 4weeks, anyways the night i get the shot, sometimes, not all the time, ill feel wicked sick and get the chills so bad like my legs will go into spasms, i know my body hasnt' adjusted to it yet, im just stating that it sucks feeling like this!haha
im getting the same thing from my test e, but i dont dont expect it to happen after the first injection.

what lab/brand you using?
I think its different for everyone as far as when they get flu-like symptoms, but Test seems to have this effect on most people at one point in their cycle and you are running quite a bit. Just hang in there and you will be o.k.
Its known as the test flu. High testosterone levels lower your white blood cell and T-cell count, both of which are responsible for your immune functions.
right right and i mean it's 3:00pm the next day and i feel fine, it really only sticks around from when i go to sleep to when i wake up, which is arightttttt, but i do have that damn lump again in my glute, cannot wait till those 25g 1inchers come in, it will be heavenly
Remember to rub the injection site out if you can. Other than that just hang in there, it will go away. :eyes:
Yeeah, lots of people get lumps, just remember to be very carefull about where you inject, if your going in the glutes you should be pinning the top outer quadrant, almost in your rear hip it feels like which is your medial glute head, not your glute max. Also make sure your injecting the oil very slowly, if your squirt it in to fast it will lump up and be more sore, they say 10 sec for every 1ml you inject.
slick33158 said:
Its known as the test flu. High testosterone levels lower your white blood cell and T-cell count, both of which are responsible for your immune functions.

Isn't that called AIDS ?
def should ask the question in another thread and if you known you were goin on vaca you shouldn't have started the cycle in the first place... and no i haven't tried my delt yet, def gunna have to
I used to get the flu / chills really bad from 12-24 hours every time after I'd inject 3 cc of 250 mg/ml homebrew test e. I used no BB for the batch of test e that gave me the flu. For the next batch, I used ~18% BB and did not get the flu from this gear.

If I were you, I'd:

1) cut the dose per shot in half
2) in the syringe, before you shoot, dilute your gear 1:1 with sterile oil
3) do # 1 and 2 and shoot twice as often.

This should reduce the pain and flu/chills.
yea yea i did order some grapeseed oil to dilute it with, and i plan on trying out the delts when my 25gauge 1inchers come in, i think my brew has 20% BB in it
BigArmsMcgee said:
yea yea i did order some grapeseed oil to dilute it with, and i plan on trying out the delts when my 25gauge 1inchers come in, i think my brew has 20% BB in it

I am not saying that your flu was caused by lack of BB. Test flu from test e is not uncommon. I think you will reduce pain and chills if you dilute the gear and do less total mg per shot. Good luck mang!
oh i know you weren't inferring that, i was just putting it out there how much mine contained, i also agree that when i dilute it and use a smaller needle it'll be a lot more comfortable for my liking
Agree with Jediclampet, I had to dilute the same way during one of my test cycles last spring. It was the only time I had been affected so horribly with test flu just like you are saying. I cut it with sterile oil and injected twice as often and the problem went away.