Getting caught with steriods.

What it boils down to is ordering/receiving gear is illegal. Now some guy's seem to think its as easy as ordering some gear for personal use and have the mentality "they won't bother with me, I'm only using and not selling" and it's this type of thinking that makes people get sloppy and it gives you a false sense of security. I think everybody just needs to practice more caution. NEVER order to your home address and don't be so quick to hook up a friend from the gym. I keep my AAS sources to myself and never hook anybody up. Even giving gear away is considered trafficking. I still can't believe the guy in the OP's story got 3 years for a few bottles of gear; that's just nuts.
Would there be any penalties for research chemicals like RUI's?

LE would have to have evidence of you actually consuming the research chemicals to bust you. They're legal to have as long as they're used for "research purposes only". Even if they catch you in possession of it, as long as your not consuming it in front of them, your fine...
Related to this. I am curious is a UGL is busted, what can happen to the clients?
Like what records are kept and how much risk are the previous client that bought before in?
That story is the one about pinnacle.

Also, the odds of getting busted are VERY slim. It does happen but usually only to guys who are selling or get caught for something else initially. If they seize it in customs you get a one and only warning letter (if you get it, shred it, and never acknowledge you got it which can help if you ever go to court). But usually the feds don't have the time nor the resources to go try and nab every dude with a personal stash coming through the mail.

when did this happen,so you are saying pinnicle got busted..??recently..??
Related to this. I am curious is a UGL is busted, what can happen to the clients?
Like what records are kept and how much risk are the previous client that bought before in?

The only possible info that the UGL would have about you, would be your past order history, name and address that you sent everything to. That's only if they keep records of their clientel which would be dumb on their part because that would just rack up even more charges of distribution against them if they ever got raided. LE wouldn't waste their time contacting every client. Look at the the pro sports busts, none of the athletes are facing criminal charges for being customers of the busted labs. The only athletes that get in trouble are the ones that voluntarily go to court trying to clear their reputation and get caught lying about it under oath.
LE would have to have evidence of you actually consuming the research chemicals to bust you. They're legal to have as long as they're used for "research purposes only". Even if they catch you in possession of it, as long as your not consuming it in front of them, your fine...

Since research chems are not controlled substances and most are shipped first class domestic USA... I couldn't imagine any problems would occur.

Even though the site says we are assumed to have research licenses? & Thank you both for the clarification it has made me feel comfortable ordering from RUI.
Keep in it on the same topic , but with a twist , do you guys believe u can serve time for getting pct`s online

This is dumb as shit to say. There is just as much if not more risk dealing with a person. They are much more likely to roll on you if they get caught.
Yea it is safer IMO to get gear online from a reputable source than from a local guy cause he will rat you out for a lighter sentence if he gets caught. With international orders especially, that won't happen and it is difficult to prove where the money went to and package came from with international orders.
It's legal to posses personal use steroids in Canada they cannot confiscate it from you.

Yes but it is still illegal to buy...It would be hard to get busted for just possession. You would have to have to be pinning in front of a cop or something lol.
If you lived really close to the border, say MN, could you make runs up to a dealer or would no one be willing to work that up close and personal? That or move to the UK :P
It is very important to note, once you have a package that has been seized your name and address will be flagged. Your name and address will be in the federal data base and the odds of a package getting flagged the next time will be far greater. While there is no way to guarantee your name and address will be permanently flagged in most cases you can wave goodbye to ever receiving a package of anabolic steroids shipped to that name or address ever again.

Just so you know, this part of your copy and paste is complete and utter bullshit.
Just so you know, this part of your copy and paste is complete and utter bullshit.

Even if it doesn't get flagged into an actual database. They do keep a PAPER TRAIL. If it happens enough times, they can follow up. I speak from EXPERIENCE. That letter you get, they keep copies/records of it. That's why you shouldn't use the same address again if you get that letter.
From what I know, that bust was the person now running pinnacle. It essentially started the business. Someone correct me if I am wrong
I would be curious to see the full details of the case. To say someone received 3 years in prison for 3 vials of steroids is very odd indeed. We damn near have to point a gun to the A.D.A.'s head to get them to accept a drug case when small amounts of anything is involved. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Given an eager D.A., along w/ eager LE, I can see it, and even then though you have to get pass the judge not lowering. Either way it would be the rarity when given the amount of drug cases that are seen in the court system.

Point is guy with a clean record getting that much time.....just not likely man.
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