Getting the pin in...

How do you do it?

  • Flick it in quickly with your wrist.

    Votes: 29 27.4%
  • Push it in slow feeling the pin go through the skin, the the fat, pierce the muscle sheath?

    Votes: 77 72.6%

  • Total voters
grafix-gnc said:
i cant go fast, i would be afraid of breaking my fragile needle off in my leg (Well, if i had B-D i wouldnt have to worry huh DG :D ) i like to have contorl, and why you try to stab it in there, you rweally have no control, just hopin it goes well

ya B-D's are sturdier! I never worry of need breaking off bending and twisting while injetions I don't do.

I acually let it sit in natural postion after in skin and slowly push plunger not putting pressures on needle (hard sometime not to freak out when doing certain on-sites).

I don't understand why you push through skin slow, to feel the pain lol.

If you look at how the Dr's do it. It's going in no matter what its how fast you inject and stretching twisting of fascia is where most tissue damage is done not by needle speed going into muscles but afterwords when injecting.

If you like maybe just pull in pull back out a few times before injecting to tender-ize the meat before injecting solutions lol, j/k

I see no sense in putting needle in slower other than feel the pain because its going to go in that spot anyways. I did in the same spot 100's of times before.
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I put it up against my skin and push slowly, eventually it breaks the skin and again I slide it in slowly, I prefer that way and have always done it like that. I once tried jabbing it kind of quickly and fuck it stung like a bitch, was trying this on the quad with a 25g 1.5", felt like a nasty pin prick which is what it is :)

I like it slow. Plus, 25g shit will bend easily!
i dotn put it in too slowly, i dont enjoy the little pain that there is, but i like to have the sence of control. DG, after all of your fuckin preaching on these damned BD's, i have made up my mind, even though i probably wont notice a difference, i will give it a shot. (hehe, give it a shot, get it ? ) im a loser...
also, the natural thing is the way i do it as well. GO ahead, and stick your leg. push in about 3/4 of an inch, now let go. did the syringe move?
I do it slowly. Even then I get muscle twitches that feel discomfiting, especially in my biceps. Of course you never want to flex while the pin is in.
grafix-gnc said:
i dotn put it in too slowly, i dont enjoy the little pain that there is, but i like to have the sence of control. DG, after all of your fuckin preaching on these damned BD's, i have made up my mind, even though i probably wont notice a difference, i will give it a shot. (hehe, give it a shot, get it ? ) im a loser...

Give it a shot? Oh, brother!:rolleyes:
A buddy of a buddy of mine shoves it in so hard and deep the plastic part actually went in his ass one time. He is a complete dink. On top of that half the syringe was filled with air because he forgot to use proper injection technique. My buddy had to tell him to take it out!

Again, he is a complete dink.

As for me, I ease it in nice and slow, and I take it out fast when finished.
grafix-gnc said:
i dotn put it in too slowly, i dont enjoy the little pain that there is, but i like to have the sence of control. DG, after all of your fuckin preaching on these damned BD's, i have made up my mind, even though i probably wont notice a difference, i will give it a shot. (hehe, give it a shot, get it ? ) im a loser...

no try em bro!
I am serious much sturder, longer with bigger plastic gripper to inject and can draw 4 cc's back eaisly, they also dont tend to stick as much midway.

Try em if you don't like em better than Teurmos I will eat my words. And my B-D's maybe

I never worry about a Teurmo's breaking off, lol

But they do bend much eaiser than B-D's
Mudge said:
I put it up against my skin and push slowly, eventually it breaks the skin and again I slide it in slowly, I prefer that way and have always done it like that. I once tried jabbing it kind of quickly and fuck it stung like a bitch, was trying this on the quad with a 25g 1.5", felt like a nasty pin prick which is what it is :)

I like it slow. Plus, 25g shit will bend easily!

Man that has to fucking hurt. Sounds like putting a fuckin knife in your chest 1/16 of an inch every second. Like the german dude did in saving private ryan. Anyways, you guys who dart slow just need to go for it and go with some speed. Once you get it down youll realize how dumb you are for going slow. Its all in the wrist baby. And have you ever tried to break a bd needle. Pretty fuckin hard. They are forgiving even 25s.
I too am a slow poke.. If i get that strange nerve feeling or hit too much scar tissue, i switch pins and start over
i use to stab it in quickly and inject very slow but now i go slow, last week i was injecting slow and started to hit a nerve but pulled out, that is fuk'n weird leg kept twitching really hard, so i pulled out and shot it about an inch above...slow and slow for me
1 minute per cc? Maybe every drug varies but it only takes me about 20 seconds for 2 cc's with zero pain. I guess everyone is different.
I have had friends that were scared to death of needles. What they did was put an ice cube on the desired spot for injection for say 30 seconds and presto no pain at all. They would go slow usually because they were self administering it but it took the edge off not feeling a dam thing.
Drveejay11 said:
Inject really slow, push the sauce in really slow......caution is king here bro's ;)

Same here! I can't believe you crazy people, especially when I use 25g stuff.
deez said:
Man that has to fucking hurt. Sounds like putting a fuckin knife in your chest 1/16 of an inch every second. Like the german dude did in saving private ryan.

Funny, but then howcome I never have injection pain?