gf doesnt like giving me bj's

Ok so the wife's best friend hasn't given her husband a blowjob in 20 years.....that's rough, but is that his fault, her fault, or does it mean that they aren't happy? Everyone is different but for me there is almost no stone that I will leave unturned when it comes to pleasing my woman and she feels exactly the same about me.

I have met a few girls that aren't into giving bj's and some that arent' into swallowing and some that want cum no where near them (lol that was a funny one). Here's the thing guys sex is like pizza even when its bad its still pretty good. But that being said I'm not gonna sign a lifetime contract with someone who's preferences don't match mine. Respect each other's differences but don't fool yourself into thinking that you can deal with something that you can't just bc she's really hot or rich. There is someone out there for everyone, so if you gotta a freak flag fly it high and if you got a prude flag fly that baby high too.

Don't try to force someone to like something bc its just gonna make them hate it or you even more (unless they are into being dominated and that too can be fun with the right safe words). Do your thing but be straight up with the girl and let her know that doing without a bj to completion is something that may be ok now but eventually it will be a problem.
I tried the forceful approach back in highschool. I had a gf that would pull out when I was about to cum and being a dumbass teenager I let it aggravate me and instead of walking away and looking for someone that was a better fit, I stayed because it was steady. Here's how I tried to deal with it...I didn't know it at the time but (and this is gonna sound cocky) I was/am very talented at going down on a woman (I think its bc I love it and bc I had the tutoring of an older woman right from the beginning). I attempted to show her how shitty it was to stop sucking and using her hand to finish me off by giving her a taste of her own medicine. I was holding her orgasms that I gave her with my mouth for ransom. For months, I would go down on her and when she was about 15-20 seconds from cumming I would either change my rhythm and not let her cum at all or use my finger to finish her off. Though she got the idea and decided to do what I wanted she absolutely hated it. Because real sexual pleasure (for me) comes almost as much (almost) from pleasing as it does from being pleased, this really made it just as bad.

I guess the point of the wandering story is to be honest with yourself and the lady or ladies. Don't be afraid to walk away from something if you know it isn't 100% what you want, I've seen too many guys wind up absolutely miserable. Not to mention, I walked away from plenty of pretty good things before finding my perfect match. I'm soooo glad that I don't have to go out sifting thru cuties with hidden inhibitions anymore.....well at least not alone anyway. :naughty:
My girl wasnt into them at first but since she knew i liked them so much she did it anyways. Putting her difference aside to please me is a keeper right there. She also said she didnt like when i went down which after i did she loves it now.
The bride tells her husband, "Honey, you know I'm a virgin and I don't know
anything about sex. Can you explain it to me first?"

"OK, Sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place 'the
prison' and call my private thing 'the prisoner'. So what we do is: put the
prisoner in the prison.

And then they made love for the first time.

Afterwards, the guy is lying face up on the bed, smiling with satisfaction.

Nudging him, his bride giggles, "Honey the prisoner seems to have escaped."

Turning on his side, he smiles. "Then we will have to re-imprison him."

After the second time they spent, the guy reaches for his cigarettes but
the girl, thoroughly enjoying the new experience of making love, gives him
a suggestive smile, "Honey, the prisoner is out again!"

The man rises to the occasion, but with the unsteady legs of a recently
born foal.

Afterwards, he lays back on the bed, totally exhausted.

She nudges him and says, "Honey, the prisoner escaped again."

Limply turning his head, He YELLS at her, "Hey, its not a life sentence,

LOL, good one broo :D
Next time hit her in her ass..then when she refuses a bj, tell her ok cool ill just bang your little ass again..guarantee she will have no more issues lol
try to get it now AND AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN, once your GF turns into your wife, then the mother of your Kids, she aint putting nothing in that mouth, cause she has to kiss those kids with those lips. especially if you end up with daughters.... just saying. ENJOY IT NOW. FIGHT FOR IT NOW.
nothing more fun than getting a woman who's not into it to be into it :) find it's usually two things. either they are motivated by wanting to please you or some woman just like to be dominated. find which one you have.. last two- one i would spend time letting her know how MUCH she pleased me doing it. how amazing she was at it. now it's a daily thing. even finding herself trying so hard to deep throat me :) newest one, just the opposite. gave me the key when she said it turned her on when i put my hand on the back of her head. told her what to do. she simply told me "did what i was told" :) now she texts me saying "make me suck it" again...
Mine didn't like them either, but what was wrong was that she loved when I went down on her. Tell me that's fair hahah. Regardless she's an EX now :beertoast
I do anything and everything to make my fiance satisfied in every way.. I know if im not satified im going yoo get it somewhere else. Luckily hes ok with me liking girls. He canwatchcan
You 2 pump n dump?
Maybe she wants ya to last longer.

Given my tren it takes me she does what she can to speed it up.
Mine didn't like them either, but what was wrong was that she loved when I went down on her. Tell me that's fair hahah. Regardless she's an EX now :beertoast
Yeah man wtf is up with that, I had a girl like that once too. She always wanted me to go down on her, and never wanted to go down on me. Now that I think back on it she might have been into girls, fuck. lol
Wtf! I thought I was the only one! My wife does the same! She wants me down there but no karaoke singing for me!! Shiet!
Well actually she did at first but then when she told me she has a hard time opening her mouth wide enough due to a jaw surgery she got from getting kicked on the face playing soccer. She gets locked jaw and heavy gag reflex.
I hate my life.... :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Ahh I remember when I used to get some vagina... my new girl is chaste so those days are over.... but she LOVES gettin some of this good ol' schlong in her mouth she says.