GHRP-6 WITH Fragment176-191


New member
I want to try GHRP-6 AND HGH fragment 176-191 at the same time! Im looking into as their prices very appealing. Especially on peptides and releasers. My theory is that GHRP used in higher doses to attempt gaining muscle would cause some pretty bad GH bloat. Im already super sensitive to test bloat so I forecast I also would have trouble with GHRP boosting my GH secretion as much as what in the body is the equivalent to 6-10IUs of synthetic HGH administration, SO my face will get real bloated if not addressed. HGH fragment 176-191 I have had awesome experience in fat loss and bloat reduction with IN a heavy 20 wk test cycle. I'm lead to believe the fragment would still reduce water retention and gh bloat while working in conjunction with my bodies endogenous GH secretion to burn my remaining 11% to complete minimum possible. OF COURSE with clean, proper diet and heavy cardio. Due to winstrol use My knees elbows and shoulders are very achy so running is out of the equation. I found great mountain bike trails and routes all over my area, so I be on my bike like everyday for a minimum of an hour. Does anybody know of using these together? Sound like a solid research experimentation base?!

A lot depends on how you are dosing your GHRP. You could run them together but I wouldn't recommend it.

HGH Frag is going to create flowing FFA, which is ideal for fat loss. When this occurs, it will slow (not stop) GH secretion.

In the diet and goals that you have, you are not going to be anabolic and you will not need the same protein metabolism. You are looking to shuttle lipids.

Due to dosing the Frag so often through out the day, it would be very hard to time the two right. I would still stay at saturation doses for your PM dose of GHRP-6, but not through out the day.

I hope this helps.

THANK YOU for your input!! I think maybe run the two one after the other as in Run
Wks 1-4 HGH fragment 176-191 5mg diluted to 10mL w/Sodium Chloride(500mcgs/ED)
Wks 4-10 GHRP-6 Dosage?? I would run similar reconstitution ratio and dosage administration just from researched effectiveness is found 300-600mcgs/ED. Just the same is said of HGH fragment is it not? Should I break between the two for a bit instead? OH and I actually took 500mcgs 1shot a day for 15 days, the first two days I took 1cc in a whole shot. Well, 2@ 1/2mL shots symmetrically but all in the AM. I never took more than 1 shot a day of that fragment LOL.. Do I need to?
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When you see people dosing GHRP-6 at 300mcg-500mcg/day, they are usually going to split that amount throughout the day in three doses.

HGH Fragment is best dosed 4-5xday due to the half life, usually with 3-4 hours between.

You could take GHRP in conjunction with Fragment for your pm dose but other wise keep them seperate.

I hope this is of some help. Feel free to shoot us a PM if you would like to get more specific.


PS. Good to see a Texan:wink2:
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When you see people dosing GHRP-6 at 300mcg-500mcg/day, they are usually going to split that amount throughout the day in three doses.

HGH Fragment is best dosed 4-5xday due to the half life, usually with 3-4 hours between.

You could take GHRP in conjunction with Fragment for your pm dose but other wise keep them seperate.

I hope this is of some help. Feel free to shoot us a PM if you would like to get more specific.


PS. Good to see a Texan:wink2:

:wavey: Holding it DoWn in H-Town, baby!!