Girlfriend and her ultimatum she gave me! Flushed my gear!!! (Long)

im on the tren train...WHOOO WHOOO!!!!! Any bitches that get in my way better be bent over cause imam plowin through!!!!
Haha that toilet might shit on you if you're not careful!
I like the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) idea, even just telling her it's an option might ease her mind.
You could win points with the honesty thing, but I see her saying she doesn't care about that. Then paint the picture of a more overweight, less muscular and less able to perform you and I'll bet she'll see things your way.
I've also had to deal with women who had bad experiences with douchey exs that were on. I use the two prong approach, first get all scientific and educate her a bit. She'll probably glaze over, but the point is to show her you know what you're doing. Have answers to her questions. Most that pop up are the having kids and rage thing.
Secondly it's a little like dealing with a girl who's been cheated on. You have to make her understand that you are not those other guys, and most likely they had some problems that went way deeper than AAS and they just made it a little worse.
If you don't see yourself with this girl long term, I'd move on. Much easier to find one that's cool with it from the start then to convince her.
question is why arent you going out with a woman that is your age?
She is young enough to be your daughter for fucks sake. She wont understand your old man problems get with times brah
you gotta stop mirrin and understand brrah

Are you a fucking idiot, "brrah"?
brah say dat to my face ill kick your whimpy little fat ass. yo mirrin what the athestics crew over here has goin on brah. maybe spend less time on the computer and more with some iron so yall wont be hatin on my build

You are a fuckin' idiot.
Have you taken a look at most 41 year old women? Sorry to any women reading this, but most do not age well. Not to mention by that age most have significant baggage (multiple kids, ex-husbands, and other stuff I don't want to deal with). Also have you ever considered that those of us who are older might want to have kids? I'm sorry, but hooking up with a 40+ year old and trying to have kids is an uphill battle.

All I can say is that I am guessing you are young, and probably bitter because us older, more mature, financially successful and independent guys are able to easily get these younger women while the younger guys, many of whom can barely take care of themselves, can not.

See bold above: This statement so often rings true. Women aren't like men...age is frequently an irrelevant factor. In almost all cases they would much rather have an older guy with average looks who is in great shape and offers financial security....over a young, immature jack-ass who can't even afford to take his date out to dinner, let alone pamper her with the luxuries of life. Hell, many women would rather have a financially well off 40 year old guy with an average build & looks, rather than a good looking young guy with a great build, but who can barely take care of himself.
just overload on some tne and oxycotin so you can give her a fukin of a lifetime.... like hours of raw, hard, thigh bruising sex!!! to were u need to keep lubin her up cause she keeps chafing lol!!! :D

u gotta keep that young chik dude... I slept with a 40yr old once n lemme tell u I am never again!!!! lol she did give really good head tho

my ex wouldn't talk to me after she found out I was using so I just gave her a good pounding and she accepted it after that

Personally, I think opiates ruin sex. They suppress libidio even when under the influence of AAS (to a degree) and kill the passion & pleasure sex can bring. A MUCH better alternative would be to load up on testosterone (and possibly some Mast and/or Proviron, if needed), along with a combination of caffiene, Viagra, Cialis, as well as an antihistamine (to combat the sides of Viagra) right before sex. It is far better to have 2 great rounds rather than a single lame one where you pound on her for an eternity just to cum. Contrary to the beliefs of some, MOST women do NOT like to be pounded on for long periods of time just so the guy is able to get off. She would be much happier if more of that time was spent on foreplay. If it takes the woman longer than 5-10 minutes to cum during intercourse, she wasn't turned on enough before you started. A women should be brought to the point where she can barely stand not to have your dick in her before you start fucking her. The guy who understands these differences between men & women and acts accordingly will have far better sex than the guy who doesn't.
Trust me...wasn't planning on it. She found them while I we were camping. Found them while I was sleeping, woke me up and instantly flushed my dbol!!!

She has no fucking right to do that. She is not your wife and has no right to throw away or damage your stuff. On the other hand, you should not have lied to her either. In my opinion, no one should be lying about their AAS use to someone they're in a relationship with, whether it be a wife or a girlfriend.
Haha that toilet might shit on you if you're not careful!
I like the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) idea, even just telling her it's an option might ease her mind.
You could win points with the honesty thing, but I see her saying she doesn't care about that. Then paint the picture of a more overweight, less muscular and less able to perform you and I'll bet she'll see things your way.
I've also had to deal with women who had bad experiences with douchey exs that were on. I use the two prong approach, first get all scientific and educate her a bit. She'll probably glaze over, but the point is to show her you know what you're doing. Have answers to her questions. Most that pop up are the having kids and rage thing.
Secondly it's a little like dealing with a girl who's been cheated on. You have to make her understand that you are not those other guys, and most likely they had some problems that went way deeper than AAS and they just made it a little worse.
If you don't see yourself with this girl long term, I'd move on. Much easier to find one that's cool with it from the start then to convince her.

Good post.
Her last boyfriends were overweight...grossly overweight. I have explained all the positive research about it. Especially hgh. It's like the fountain of youth!!! She didn't care. Told her she fell in love with me by my looks first. Then my personality. I mentioned that I don't want to be the person that changes. I used to be far too. Will post a before and after picture. Everybody in my family is fat. Mom, dad, sister, mothers side. I am scared to death to be fat again. I run from the fat man with all I can.

There has been several good points made. Will go get my test ran and hope to get on trt.
On only week of dbol (before she found it and flushed it) I felt great. It may have been placebo effect but I felt great.
Personally, I think opiates ruin sex. They suppress libidio even when under the influence of AAS (to a degree) and kill the passion & pleasure sex can bring. A MUCH better alternative would be to load up on testosterone (and possibly some Mast and/or Proviron, if needed), along with a combination of caffiene, Viagra, Cialis, as well as an antihistamine (to combat the sides of Viagra) right before sex. It is far better to have 2 great rounds rather than a single lame one where you pound on her for an eternity just to cum. Contrary to the beliefs of some, MOST women do NOT like to be pounded on for long periods of time just so the guy is able to get off. She would be much happier if more of that time was spent on foreplay. If it takes the woman longer than 5-10 minutes to cum during intercourse, she wasn't turned on enough before you started. A women should be brought to the point where she can barely stand not to have your dick in her before you start fucking her. The guy who understands these differences between men & women and acts accordingly will have far better sex than the guy who doesn't.

i agree with this completely... to an extent.... gotta do the foreplay its a must lol... but the first time i fuck a girl i make it an hour+ just for bragging rights and os she can tell her friends then after that i kinda taper off to a smaller amount of time, if i stick around that long, that is!!!
i agree with this completely... to an extent.... gotta do the foreplay its a must lol... but the first time i fuck a girl i make it an hour+ just for bragging rights and os she can tell her friends then after that i kinda taper off to a smaller amount of time, if i stick around that long, that is!!!

LOL. I also agree that the "first" time is a bit different because everything is new, so a larger variety of positions is in order, which will naturally take longer.