GoGo's Cycle Update.


New member
Eq 450mg/ WK 2xwk
I stoped EQ at wk 10. I am on wk 11 and have 2 more wks before I start my pct.

Heres a quick description of what my critique is on this cycle. It is my 1st.
I was originally going to stack it with Winstrol (winny) for the last 8 wks of cycle but went through 2wks of Winstrol (winny) and had to stop due to the drastic hairloss Winstrol (winny) induced.

Anyho here are some new pics. It might be hard to tell on the pics but
I went from 177lb to 203 and now trimmed to 195 and still going to cut down a bit, trying to achive single digit bf #'s. That is a 26lb gain, but I started cutting while still on cycle. My goal is to be 190 and crazy lean. I appologize for the wheels I only started those mid September so lil under 3 months only! I push about 365 x 4 clean on squats, eq gave me lots of strength and I was pulling alot of weight for these little chicken legs of mine. I work em till I puke...almost so they will get there.

My appetite increased the first week drasticly and my stregth went up at about wk6-8!
My libido decreased but being off from it for a week and half its going back up!

I don't like the mood changes it gave me...

24Yrs 5'11 195lb trained 5 yrs and last 8 months serious w/ eating clean.

Old Pic at 175lb 9. 17 .06


New Pic's 12. 23. 06






Looking good man, your physique is very aesthetically pleasing. The legs are a little behind but not terrible, like you said keep hitting them and they'll catch up fast. Those are good squat #'s considering you haven't lifted long. How come you went with EQ instead of test?
I keep hearing about sold gains when on eq. The thought of water retention and bloat from test is what turned me away. I guess I wanted something more mellow for my 1st cycle... still worked out alright id say.
rake922 said:
Gogo -Few questions.
1. How much cardio do you do?
2. Did you say 450MG Total a week.... or 450MG twice per week(900mg)
3. Other than 2 weeks of Winstrol (winny) it was just EQ?

Actually it was 150mg 3xWeek = 450mg/wk

I ran Winstrol (winny) at wk 9 since I was ending eq at wk 12 so that would of been 6wks of Winstrol (winny) if I was to continue to use it (since eq lasts 3 wks after last shot taken). I stoped eq at 10 and continued the Winstrol (winny) for one more week which was 2wks total and noticed way too much hair fall out so I stopped that early too. I am just waiting to finish of the post cycle therapy (pct) and thats it for me.

I felt the Winstrol (winny) kick in at about a week and a half my muscle definatelly tensed up but I didn't like the fact that I was getting cramps everywhere in places I never even thought I could get cramps at lol. I even got cramps when I yawned ...it was bad. I like the feel it gave me with the muscle tightness but it was just simply not worth it .... atleast for me.

As far as cardio I do the olyptical maschine about 30 min 4xwk sometimes a bit longer if I have the will power for it. I started cardio about 2wks ago and I have two cheat days in a week.
if u dont mund me asking, can you please post up your diet. I remember reading a post not so long ago about your diet and was wondering how its looking now

thanks in advance. looking good to bro
Eat it or Beat it!!! said:
if u dont mund me asking, can you please post up your diet. I remember reading a post not so long ago about your diet and was wondering how its looking now

thanks in advance. looking good to bro

I sometimes make about 3/4 cup oats in morning eat about half of that and the rest I devide in three and have a little bit after every meal to help with :toilet:

My supps where:
Milk Thistle, Calcium, FlexSeed Oil Pills & Liquid and Multi Vitamins. I used the calcium since I gave up milk a few weeks ago due to the processed sugar.

6:00Am - 6-8 EggWhites mixed w/ ground beef/pork/turkey etc. 1/2 cup oats w/water Plain.

9:00Am - 8oz Chicken breast w/sweet potato and bell peppers.

12Noon - 10oz steak, brown rice

3Pm - same as 9 am

6pm - 2x 4oz Ground turkey w slice of fat free cheese and letuce w toast.


9pm- 2 scoops of whey P-shake w. water
10pm - ZzZzzzZzzZ :sleep:

I eat fruits rarely and gave those up a few weeks back. I grab an granny smith apple once every while. Also sometimes I cook up my chicken breasts,1 sweet potato, red onion, bellpeppers, all In one Pot mixed. It tastes amazing.

I try to use different meats every day...and once a week I will try to have some fish fillets.... I cut down on my carbs alot since I have a sweet tooth.
The only thing I do on weekends is eat a bit more meat on saturday's and a whole alot of everything on sunday! I mean I start out early and finish late!!That has worked for me quite well on shocking my body. Also next day after that I try to hit big body parts since your test levels will be highest after all that calories intake and its crazy veins everywhere. =)

Thanks for the compliments&suggestions s I learned quite a bit on this site and still do! :)
looking good dude, wheels coming along nice..you def have an excellent base to add some serious muscle too!

Where the pics taken cold or pumped ?
cold, in my room heh.

I am just not sure If I want to add more muscle since I will never compeate and have a fairly busy life this will just have to do for some time. I actually want to get more chizeled thats all.
looking good bro....is it just me or did you even gain some size on your obliques??? The legs are nearly there bro...

Let me commend you on the way you went about your gear use. everyone should use you as a model. You had your physique/diet/routine VERY dialed in (obvious from your before pics) before even doing your first cycle. You're way past your teens and had been training for 5 years. Thats a great job bro. I'm tired of hearing about 17 y.o. HS kids wanting to do a cycle. they're the ones effing it all up for the rest of us.
BiggerthanLavar said:
looking good bro....is it just me or did you even gain some size on your obliques??? The legs are nearly there bro...

Let me commend you on the way you went about your gear use. everyone should use you as a model. You had your physique/diet/routine VERY dialed in (obvious from your before pics) before even doing your first cycle. You're way past your teens and had been training for 5 years. Thats a great job bro. I'm tired of hearing about 17 y.o. HS kids wanting to do a cycle. they're the ones effing it all up for the rest of us.

heh I am glad you noticed that, yes they have. I maxed out the oblique machine since it only goes up to 135lb .. . I do sets about 3x 20 1 fast set 1 medium speed and another slow set of 20.

Thank you very much on the compliments bro I can tell you the change was not easy yet not impossible either. Some willpower and a goal and you may get yourself some new muscle.
This is one hell of a demanding sport and every hour of your sleep, every bit of chocolate, every rep........ it all counts baby!
I have been critiqued about my 1st cycle being eq and all but I knew what I wanted out of it way before I stuck a needle to my @$$.
We're here to learn and I wanted to show my example,time and effort worth.

I wish everyone happy holidays and a early Happy New year. Hope santa got you guys what you wanted this year ... I know I did hehe :)
Looking good! And people say EQ is no good as first cycle... were they wrong or what? ja ja ja

Gains on EQ are kept for a very long time.... I hear that gains on Test, as easy as they come is as easy as they go. This is what I hear, not sure
Gains are gains... I think what matters most is how you go about your post cycle therapy (pct) since that determines on how much of your effort your keeping.

As far as my workout natural vs. when juicing... same just upped the intensity man, I promissed myself if I am going to put a foreign substance into my body I will work twice as hard, not the other way around.

here are some more pics:


gogo4 said:
Gains are gains... I think what matters most is how you go about your post cycle therapy (pct) since that determines on how much of your effort your keeping.

As far as my workout natural vs. when juicing... same just upped the intensity man, I promissed myself if I am going to put a foreign substance into my body I will work twice as hard, not the other way around.

You might be right, I still have not used Test, only EQ. Im looking to use Sustanon and perhaps Winstrol close to the end of my cycle.

So I take it you work out all muscle groups once a week? When I am on EQ, I normally workout all muscle groups twice a week.
yes, once I don't know how I would be able to do it twice. I give you props man I spent 2.5hrs in the gym now that I run too... so for me to do things twice id have to be unemployed haha.

Only reason people say eq gives you more solid gains is becouse it does not bloat you like test does.

Solid gains, what are solid gains? Gains are gains man, and when youre off test and water retention goes away, it does not necessairly mean you lose alot of muscle its just water leaving your body thats all. I like eq due to the fact it is lighter on alot of things like
acne, bloat, sex drive etc... so its a bit more mellow of an aas. It all comes down to preferance I guess.
gogo4 said:
yes, once I don't know how I would be able to do it twice. I give you props man I spent 2.5hrs in the gym now that I run too... so for me to do things twice id have to be unemployed haha.
I am going to try out working out all body parts once a week when I start to do Sustanon (as opposed to the two times a week I do now).
Mon/Thurs: chest - Tris
Tues/Fri : Back - Bis
Wed/ Sat : Legs
When I go to the gym, I normally go for 1.5 hr max.

So now it will be
Mon: Chest/Tri
Wed: Back/Bis
Fri : Legs

Example: Instead of doing 3 excersises for chest, I will do 5. For arms, I will do 3 excersises instead of 2, and so on.
gogo4 said:
yes, once I don't know how I would be able to do it twice. I give you props man I spent 2.5hrs in the gym now that I run too... so for me to do things twice id have to be unemployed haha.

When I go to the gym, I normally go for 1.5 hr max.

I am going to try out working out all body parts once a week when I start to do Sustanon (as opposed to the two times a week I do now).
Mon/Thurs: chest - Tris
Tues/Fri : Back - Bis
Wed/ Sat : Legs

So in the near future it will be:
Mon: Chest/Tri
Wed: Back/Bis
Fri : Legs

Example: Instead of doing 3 excersises for chest, I will do 5. For arms, I will do 3 excersises instead of 2, and so on.