Going ALL OUT for the next 6 months !!! It's show time once again !!


One big fucking CANUCK !
Cutting right to the chase:


1cc Tren
1cc T-400
1cc SUS-250
75 mg V-tabs
50 mg Anadrol

10 IU's Primatopin

5 IU's CJC 1295
15 IU's GHRP-6
3 IU's Melatonan II
10 IU's IGF-1 Ec
20 IU's IGF-1 (LR3)
20 IU's DES 1-3 (IGF)

I'm either gonna drop or force myself to grow...hopefully the latter :P

As of today I'm 282 lbs...still have "very slight" abs and vascularity throughout my arms and legs. Going to take it north of 325 by the end of July. Then start my lean out process for 3 months into the show. Shooting for 280 on stage...that would be perfect for me !!

I'll keep you updated !
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holy shit, thats a lot of stuff. Good luck brother.

It is my man..fuck it...go large or go the fuck home.

This is my last show....going all out and want to win. I have always said: "If the liver doesn't quiver..and the bladder doesn't splatter..then inject some more cuz' it just doesn't fucking matter"

We will see if this holds true ...
Some pics of two days before my show April 21st and the day of the show ! Stood on stage 246 for my night time routine....
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"If the liver doesn't quiver..and the bladder doesn't splatter..then inject some more cuz' it just doesn't fucking matter."


I'll have to add this one to the list right after. "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker" and "If it is yellow, let it mellow; but if it's brown, flush it down."
we got an official walking land mammal here folks. Holy fuck you're huge.

Thanks bro....but I'm very humbled. I don't see myself as that large...perhaps that's why I push the envelope all the time ? I dunno'

My fiancee says I suffer from body dysmorphic disorder...I guess I do. We'll see where this takes us !!!

Gonna' be a great ride !
You must be fuckin intense in the gym with that much test in you. :) True silver back mode. Any reason this is going to be your last contest?
You must be fuckin intense in the gym with that much test in you. :) True silver back mode. Any reason this is going to be your last contest?

Good question...I'm not good enough to go pro...

Never was...never will be...

..and I'm going on 42...it gets hard on the system after awhile !

Amateur bodybuilding is all fine and dandy..but it's a lot of work for a piece of tin at the end of the show.

Training is going good. The post contest soreness is going away...and I feel like I can go heavy again. For awhile my joints would not keep up to my strength. The elbows and knees felt very dry...as in bone on bone. Anyway....enough rambling...here is a pic as of yesterday. 281 lbs on the gym scale. Still a healthy and large bicep vein protruding out so I'm still quite lean.

Sorry for the shitty self portrait cell phone pic !:insane2: