One big fucking CANUCK !
did i read that right? 100 iu hgh? daily? you meant 10 iu right?
Thanks for watching my back on that one...yeah 10 IU's per day...not 100
did i read that right? 100 iu hgh? daily? you meant 10 iu right?
yo im a newbie bodybuilder, how the hell can u get away with taking all that ? u not tested at shows?
...doesnt mean you don't have to put some hard ass work in. ...
Cutting right to the chase:
1cc Tren
1cc T-400
1cc SUS-250
75 mg V-tabs
50 mg Anadrol
10 IU's Primatopin
5 IU's CJC 1295
15 IU's GHRP-6
3 IU's Melatonan II
10 IU's IGF-1 Ec
20 IU's IGF-1 (LR3)
20 IU's DES 1-3 (IGF)
I'm either gonna drop or force myself to grow...hopefully the latter
As of today I'm 282 lbs...still have "very slight" abs and vascularity throughout my arms and legs. Going to take it north of 325 by the end of July. Then start my lean out process for 3 months into the show. Shooting for 280 on stage...that would be perfect for me !!
I'll keep you updated !
Your taking that amount of test and tren daily? thats well over 3g of just test. also how can you pin that all. your goign to develop steril absesses unless you got like 15 spots
I think you need to toen it down, even if it is still high like:
500mg trene ew wk1-12
1g teste ew wk1-14
orals only 6-8wks long
if oyu need more test add somethign to free some up like proviron or maste
good luck
Never had an abscess bro ! I rotate GEAR from my right to left shoulder...right ass cheek to left...right quad to left...and then finally my right tear drop to my left one...
I pin each spot once every eight not an issue.
The PEP's and GH needles are so small they don't make a difference !
PS....we have a pro in town that I KNOW is pinning about 17000 mg's per week THAT is insane !!
holy fucking words, no words...
You know you are hardcore when you need to start pinning lats, chest and calfs. Obviously I don't think Kentucky is saying these levels are for everybody. I know I would be howling at the moon with all that
Hi I'm stuck on ur log bro! U look official but ur legs look crazy man great job. As for mgs holy fuck ur on a different level. How long did it take u to increase so high like that. What type of sides do u get if I can ask. Once again brother look great just be careful man u health comes first.
Everyday brother....everyday
I run anywhere from 6000-8000 mg a week
When I look at ur pics all I can do is :0. I have to and fking will follow ur log ! Just to ask how many meals do u eat a day.