Going to make an iPhone and android app for steroid plotting


New member
Buddy of mine and I are going to be building a simple steroid plot app for iOS and android. Plan to plot absorption rates (the effects of half life) and let users play with different ways of ramping up compounds and seeing the effects.

If there is something in particular you'd like to see implemented let me know.

If you'd like to play with early versions and do some beta testing and have some input on functionality, PM me.
Buddy of mine and I are going to be building a simple steroid plot app for iOS and android. Plan to plot absorption rates (the effects of half life) and let users play with different ways of ramping up compounds and seeing the effects.

If there is something in particular you'd like to see implemented let me know.

If you'd like to play with early versions and do some beta testing and have some input on functionality, PM me.

Sounds great and when your ready contact our sales department adsales@steroidology.com to start advertising with us.
if they sell adspace on their site, then , NO, if its clean and non profit then we will approve it, let me know.

As I see its now undeleted, you can see their is no ad space at all. I have linked it in the past without issues. Honestly its a truly valuable tool.
Hell im on cycle so one gf ain't goning to cut it lol. Heading down south at the end of the month but I'm bringing my truck so it's going to be a grind doing that drive. Still pretty pumped about it can't wait to get down there