Gonna raise questions??


New member
I have to go to the docs tomorrow for some bloodwork, not AAS related, and was curious if you guys thought my current cycle will raise questions when the results come back.

Current cycle:

Test Prop 50mg ED
Tren Ace 80mg ED
Var 75mg ED

I realize that not too many guys out there are gonna have 350mg of test in there body's natural, but will my bloods come back through the roof? The tren shouldn't raise any questions since they won't be specifically testing for it, right? Thanks for the help!
350mg of test from a good lab will put you well above average still as in more than 1500. also tren really fucks with lipid values
Are they running a hormone panel? If you've had it checked recently, tell them you can't afford to be checking so many times.
It's gonna come back high on the test for sure. If they ask u can just. Say u bought a test booster at gnc and it'll be dropped.
Sounds good with the test booster, any suggestions about the lipids if they come back "off" from the tren?
Reason i'm going to the doctors is that I have been having INTENSE headaches...worse than migraines/paralyzing...but I can't figure out why. Obviously I can't admit to the doctor that I'm on gear so what do you guys think? Never had this be a problem when running any of these compounds in the past, and the only thing that's changed is I bumped the Anavar (var) from 50mg to 75mg, can't see that being the reason though. Thoughts?
never tell the dr shit he can write in your file that u use aas and this will fuck u up if u ever try and get insurance
stop running the tren and Anavar (var) and see if the symptoms persist. doc may get lucky and find some cause, but without all of the variables, (the fact that you are on an advanced cycle of underground gear) you will most likely be misdiagnosed, and what good is that? this is that situation where a smart person checks themselves. the cycle isn't worth your health. period.

also. what does your BP look like? how are your estrogen levels? i would say stop the entire cycle, but throwing post cycle therapy (pct) into the mix now is just gonna be more variables... you may want to drop the test down to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) levels though.

or just come clean with the doc. going to the doc and not giving him all the info is just asking for problems when you don't know what the issue is.
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Most docs don't randomly run a hormone panel....if your muscular, creatinine will be high slightly no matter what, maybe some high liver enzymes or lipids
You need to check your BP. And anyone who needs your medical records wil make you sign a release like certain jobs or insurance so it's not so confidential.

Var and tren fuck up lipids, test and tren will increase BP, test will increase rbc's. you are either dehydrated or have high BP.
Just got back from the Doc's. My BP came back alittle high, but not off the charts, didn't concern them at least. Lipids came back within an acceptable range, which actually suprised me alittle...was expecting to have to have some sort of excuse.

They said that I have some brain swelling, which might be leftover from a concussion I got over the summer. They think that my brain never fully healed from the accident so I have to make an apt. with a neurologist and get that shit checked out tomorrow.

Guess the good news is it's not the gear and I dont have to abort cycle. Bad news is I still feel like shit...guess we'll see what the neurologist says.

Thanks for the help though, guys! I appreciate it!