Good or bad to workout the pinned muscle Test Prop



As we all know the PIP after shooting test P can be pretty bad. Does working out the muscle right after the shot(like 1 hour after) make it better or worse?

Am asking because i shot 1ml of my 160mg/ml test yesterday in my quad and then did legs and today i cant even stretch my quad because it is so tight and in pain. The other(unpinned) quad is ok though.
TBH I find if I had a good pin AND work it that day, pip is non existent. If I have a bad pin it sucks.

Exactly. I had my worst pin ever on Sunday morning - turns out I was smack in the middle of a vein when I was injecting and the test BURNED LIKE HELL. I learned about being in the vein when I started tasting the test in my breath and the amount of blood that flowed when I removed the pin. Suffice it to say I did not do any leg work for days after that.