Good Trap workout???


New member
Been working out hard for about 4 years. I am currently 6'0 - 220 lbs with about 7%bf. Currently doing a bulking cycle of Sust 250 and d-bol (in my third week).

I work the shit out of my traps, but THEY JUST WON'T GROW! What gives? My current trap workout includes 3 set shrugs (heavy), dumbell shrugs (4 sets). What else can I do?
joltan said:
lat pulldowns behind my neck hit my lat's way harder than shrugs
we talking about lats her or traps? anyways, do heavy compound movements such as DEADLIFTS! thats all i have ever done and my traps blew up... also, i have seen many of pling buddies to power shrugs and high pulls which they claim to like
Keep in mind that the traps are the biggest most superficial muscle of the back. They are inch per inch bigger than your traps. When you want to thicken your back, you hit the traps hard because unless they are big and detailed, all the rhomboid size or teres major/minor developement is a moot point.

Most people just train the upper trap that sits above your scapula. But did you know that when you shrug upwards, your lower trap also works as an synergist?

I have always trained mine (when I was training them) by doing 3-4 sets for upper traps, about 2 sets for middle traps - by loading a bar and getting in the position of bent over rows or Tbar rows and just shrugging the weight backwards at an angle... keeping my elbows locked out. and then lower traps by hanging off a bar like I am going to do a pull up but instead, just shrug myself upwards by pulling my scapula down and backwards (whole movement is about 6 inches.)

try this and you will surely see improvements.
grafix-gnc said:
we talking about lats her or traps? anyways, do heavy compound movements such as DEADLIFTS! thats all i have ever done and my traps blew up... also, i have seen many of pling buddies to power shrugs and high pulls which they claim to like

i'm saying traps and lats. they work both great for me. and as far as barbell shrugs do those behind your back and it should work them a little better.