Goodbye from MrDbol

MrDbol said:
I am only 15yrs old and that picture of me is not even me, it is my big brother. he is a faggot and I will like to be one when i grow up.

goodbye again.

He posted a couple other times under different titles that were a variation of MrDbol, then got slick and came with convict...

This is a classic thread... I love the irony of his name too!
This is what happends when kids use steroids without knowing how to use them or being serious about steroids and bodybuilding.
He's not 15, thats a cop out. I have never seen any threads like his b4 and was wondering which one would get flamed. "Aboot I cant sleep, help me" thread was funny, but i guess the one that will get anyone in the end is the goodbye thread.
i really dont see someones nuts shrinking after 6 days of dbol, and he even skipped a day. Im starting to think he is 15
his posts led me to believe he was an emotionally immature and probably unstable adult.

but we can start a poll of what we think he was like just like mranak's thread in convo lounge.
mw101 said:
Listen man if you dont know that shit than you never should've started. Dont you think that you should've researched shit a little more before just taking something?? Holy shit.

OMG dude is was a joke :flipoffha
mranak said:
Nothing wrong with stopped gear and training natural. Good luck!

I agree, but this guy is really overreacting and giving advice to newbies based on his minimal experience is misleading. Its guys like this who will go on Oprah and give roids a bad name.

But this is one of the funniest posts I have read in a long time.

BTW,,,,,I'm telling your mom your using.
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diegothailand said:
mods: how many times has this situation occurred in the past? kinda curious, especially given all the advice you guys typically/patiently provide, the stickies, warnings, etc.

Never in my life have I seen someone quit like this after 6 days, and say that nolvadex made them emotional? Oh boy... homie is :insane2:

I have however seen rookies chase after 2 gram test cycles, not listening to anyones advice because "the pros go big and so will I." One such person I know of who did that, and wouldn't listen to anyone, quit juicing because of the side effects.

WELL NOOOOOOO SHIT. 165 pounds and 2 grams doesn't mix.

Read up on Howard Hughes for anyone who didn't know him.
I think the guy is full of shit. Unless he really is 15 years old or that's his mental age.
MrDbol said:
you are still fat compared to others here and on top of that you got a small package you should see mine its huge and i get compliments from girls i have been with, i got a nice package and i couldnt see myself going down looking like you look at your nuts those are called old mans sack, i dont wanna wear supports yet when the right time comes i will but not now. if you are happy with yourself then great but since i have been there i have seen the negatives and i take my package anyday over any other body part try to grow up and show some responsibility, act your age there are a bunch of supps out there that i can use to get cut i know i wont look as good as some people here and i am okay with that, i am recovering now and i already feel better than yesterday hopefully i will make a full recovery and hit myself harder in the gym i miss my nuts and i want them back asap. Love my package and so does my girlfreind, chill out. keep juicing what do i care :flipoffha
I thought fat guys were supposed to be "jolly"... :fawk2: