Goodbye from MrDbol

i think he's gone. maybe he's off to join a one year sabbatical...errr, forgot, he'll only stick with it for a week, then flame on everyone there.
His name was MrDbol and he only tried dbol for 6 days?? WTF?? and after 6 days he quit and he had all that sides??
i wish i never started steroids either, i mean shit i have so much test in me that my estro levels are high as hell, look what it did to my feet in the avatar pic..... dam roids. aint no clomid or nolva gonna cure that.
Yeah thats the same guy. Says he's 18 % bf which is in the average range i wouldnt go as far as calling him fat.
alright, i'm sorry, i know this thread should be closed. but this is the same dude that knocked me and a lot of others in other threads for negative reactions to an all oral cycle. he came back with fuck off, blah blah, if you've never done an all oral than you can't say shit blah blah. well apparently this guy had never done any type of cycle, so who the fuck was he to say anything. his name is mr. dbol, he said it's hte best steroid ever, but he never even tried it till just now? and it was for six days and he wigged out? look, that is all in that dude's head, 6 days or any days of dbol is not going to turn you upside down like that. personally i htought the dude was a dick, turns out he was a pussy.
Yeah thats the same guy. Says he's 18 % bf which is in the average range i wouldnt go as far as calling him fat.

The average American, is a fat pile of medicated shit. Fix me doctor, because I want to eat shit all day long. Kthx
haha, I hope this thread doesnt get locked. Usually I get sick of shit like this but this one seems to keep me entertained. TO bad he hasnt chimed in to make a bigger ass of himself.
MrDbol said:
I wanna say goodbye to you guys, i am done with steroids and i experienced the worst feeling in my life, i found steroids addictive and i hate sagging nuts and loss of libido fuck it, i rather be my old self anyday. goodluck to all of you and to new people who are thinking of trying steroids my suggestion is dont there is no need unless your profession demands it, i reacted badly to steroids i didnt do it for one day and it felt like shit i dont think i can go thru post cycle therapy (pct), goodluck to ev everyone on steroidology. god bless you all.
how many mgs a day were you taking and did you spead it throughout the day?Im just asking because im on week 3 / 20 mgs a day and i feel great. i feel a little more irritable than when taking test.everyone reacts differently.good luck to you
jaypin said:
how many mgs a day were you taking and did you spead it throughout the day?Im just asking because im on week 3 / 20 mgs a day and i feel great. i feel a little more irritable than when taking test.everyone reacts differently.good luck to you
Doesn't do much good to ask a question from somebody that is banned. :)