Got fake gear, what do I do?

Join date of 2005... so where did you go for all these years. You certainly have not been reading and or following O'logy. NO way.

Front loading Test "E" and expecting changes in 3-4 weeks. Come on man and to bad mouth a lab even on PM's without BW and your Test levels is not mature or a nice thing being it to be so inaccurate. :mad:
New Articles by *******:

The ******* Testosterone-Based Cycle

In this he recommends front loading and splitting 250 mg 3 times a week,.For this 8 week plan, I***8217;d start with testosterone enanthate, three injections per week of 250 mg. The reason for dividing into two injections is the half-life is not long enough for a single injection per week to give steady levels.

what is your issue with privatemdlabs OP tomclub? how can a labtest be bad or wrong? check yourself hommie.
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. The reason for dividing into two injections is the half-life is not long enough for a single injection per week to give steady levels.

I do twice a week now as i said.

BUt in reality what and how big a difference are these slight variations in test levels are going to effect and translate into the building of mass at point of all the synergism that is required to build MM and in 6-7 days. If you wanna get that technical why not inject in 5 divisions .

Really I think you are ignoring the science of the Esters themselves.


THe less we poke ourselves with needles the better and i don't think there could be an argument to that science.
As I said earlier I got the whole routine from ***** .Someone I thought had been around and written a lot about Gear. The reason i say its fake is all the evidence. I've done 500 mg of test hardly changed my diet and gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. My body composition changed and in 6 weeks everyone knew I was doing something different. Ive done 4 cycles and went from 185 to now 214. Had some PCT issues in the past but still have remained at or near the weight. I lost a few times on purpose to lean out. In each cycle , strength shot up, body changes were evident and I knew from taking measurements I was growing. This time nothing , nada, no change in any shape or way. I don't think its possible I could have high test levels and see no result . you will see some results on that much test if you just sit around watching tv.
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You've been given enough opinions here. If you don't want to listen then don't ask.

You win. Its bunk. Don't order from them. THE END

You've been given enough opinions here. If you don't want to listen then don't ask.

You win. Its bunk. Don't order from them. THE END

Everyone keeps saying get bloodwork when all you need is a mirror scale or tape measure. Do you really think you can have raised test level at that strong a dose and see no change.

What I asked was -Do I keep using incase some of the stuff is just under dosed and some is good? *******
I never asked if it was good I KNOW it wasn't good. I am on the 6 th week and no Changes. I keep hoping some of this stuff might be real. no such luck ,Ive used var and gained weight with 4 weeks.
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First off I have no indicators because I am not angry at all. I have no increase in libido, weight, strength nothing. I was wondering if there was any hope that some of this stuff might be real. Body changes taking months ? Ive done 10 week cycles and gained twenty pounds and my body changed dramatically . Months and months? I don't know what you are talking about. You don't continue to get gains months after stopping.You gain try an hold onto th gains cycle off then go back and gain again.
Look, without bloodwork your wasting everybody's time. There's plenty of posts on here about people complaining about not getting any gains. Diet and training have a huge factor in getting gains. So to wrap it up, nobody wants to hear about it without bloodwork.
Aids patients burn victims, anemic individuals, concentration camp victims were given steroids to help them help and gain weight and strength. You SEE changes in people who don't even work out with large increases of test. End of story
Now when I say well controlled this means they ensured confounders that might skew the results were tightly controlled. These included making sure the participants had the same amount of calories, performed the same exercises and fell into the same age group for instance.

The researchers used 4 groups:

Group 1) Placebo and NO exercise Group

Group 2) Placebo with exercise

Group 3) testosterone (steroids) with NO exercise

Group 4) Testosterone (steroids) With exercise

The Results as stated verbatim by the researchers themselves. I took the liberty of bolding the salient points

Body Weight and Composition

Body weight did not change significantly in the men in either placebo group . The men given testosterone without exercise had a significant mean increase in total body weight, and those in the testosterone-plus-exercise group had an average increase of 6.1 kg in body weight ***8212; a greater increase than in the other three groups.

Fat-free mass did not change significantly in the group assigned to placebo but no exercise (Table 4and Fig. 1). The men treated with testosterone but no exercise had an increase of 3.2 kg in fat-free mass,and those in the placebo-plus-exercise group had an increase of 1.9 kg. The increase in the testosterone plus-exercise group was substantially greater (averaging6.1 kg). The percentage of body fat did not change significantly in any group.

Muscle Strength

Muscle strength in the bench-press and the squatting exercises did not change significantly over the10-week period in the group assigned to placebo with no exercise. The men in the testosterone-alone and placebo-plus-exercise groups had significant increases in the one-repetition maximal weights lifted in the squatting exercises, averaging 19 percent and21 percent, respectively.

Similarly,mean bench-press strength increased in these two groups by 10 percent and 11 percent, respectively.In the testosterone-plus-exercise group, the increase in muscle strength in the squatting exercise(38 percent) was greater than that in any other group, as was the increase in bench-press strength(22 percent).

In case you missed the significant aspect of this study that I highlighted by putting the text in bold. This study indicates that you DON***8217;T even have to step foot in the gym if you are juicing to induce muscle hyperthrophy. A huge advantage that can***8217;t be overstated enough this advantage goes up almost exponentially when coupled with exercise as you can see from the study.
Now when I say well controlled this means they ensured confounders that might skew the results were tightly controlled. These included making sure the participants had the same amount of calories, performed the same exercises and fell into the same age group for instance.

The researchers used 4 groups:

Group 1) Placebo and NO exercise Group

Group 2) Placebo with exercise

Group 3) testosterone (steroids) with NO exercise

Group 4) Testosterone (steroids) With exercise

The Results as stated verbatim by the researchers themselves. I took the liberty of bolding the salient points

Body Weight and Composition

Body weight did not change significantly in the men in either placebo group . The men given testosterone without exercise had a significant mean increase in total body weight, and those in the testosterone-plus-exercise group had an average increase of 6.1 kg in body weight ***8212; a greater increase than in the other three groups.

Fat-free mass did not change significantly in the group assigned to placebo but no exercise (Table 4and Fig. 1). The men treated with testosterone but no exercise had an increase of 3.2 kg in fat-free mass,and those in the placebo-plus-exercise group had an increase of 1.9 kg. The increase in the testosterone plus-exercise group was substantially greater (averaging6.1 kg). The percentage of body fat did not change significantly in any group.

Muscle Strength

Muscle strength in the bench-press and the squatting exercises did not change significantly over the10-week period in the group assigned to placebo with no exercise. The men in the testosterone-alone and placebo-plus-exercise groups had significant increases in the one-repetition maximal weights lifted in the squatting exercises, averaging 19 percent and21 percent, respectively.

Similarly,mean bench-press strength increased in these two groups by 10 percent and 11 percent, respectively.In the testosterone-plus-exercise group, the increase in muscle strength in the squatting exercise(38 percent) was greater than that in any other group, as was the increase in bench-press strength(22 percent).

In case you missed the significant aspect of this study that I highlighted by putting the text in bold. This study indicates that you DON***8217;T even have to step foot in the gym if you are juicing to induce muscle hyperthrophy. A huge advantage that can***8217;t be overstated enough this advantage goes up almost exponentially when coupled with exercise as you can see from the study.
please educate us from google more bud. and stop pushing your i dont need to work out while I do AAS to see results agenda. We will shot it down. and get your bloodwork done or shut the hell up.
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You've been given enough opinions here. If you don't want to listen then don't ask.

You win. Its bunk. Don't order from them. THE END


Aids patients burn victims, anemic individuals, concentration camp victims were given steroids to help them help and gain weight and strength. You SEE changes in people who don't even work out with large increases of test. End of story

Are you an aids patient burn victim ect no im guessing not
Whatever half studies you post will not change anyones mind here . I have ran cycles and put in halfed assed efforts in the gym or didn't concentrate on diet enough and the results were shit you get out what you put in end of story

Diet training and aas are all as important as each other some guys say 70per diet 20 training 10 gear ect
I think 100percent gear 100 training 100 diet
You need all 3 working together they are all as important as each other neglect 1 aspect and your whastein your time
Just go get bloods if you're in the states its cheapand easy then you will know for sure
WTF...OP your are kicking a dead horse with Arguing and or debating your point. Start eating and training like a beast and GET BW done so you can answer so many Q"s.

Get on with it or close this redundantly inane thread now.
Nough said by so many experienced members.