Grilla's testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) log - body recomp

Thanks guys! I'm getting bloods done tomorrow. I still feel a slight tingle in the nips from time to time so i wanna make sure my estrogen is in check

I've gotten several comments from people at work that I'm looking good. I was pretty happy from that. I've been killing it in the gym. So much that today I had a had a sharp pain in my head.. top of my head and behind my eye. I chilled for a few and it was just a dull headache after that. I took it easier after that. I checked my BP tonight and it was 130/64

No neg sides (except the nipple thing) so far. I'll post up my labs as soon as I get them. I'm really curious to see where my estrogen / test / shbg are at.

My diet has gotten a little sloppy this past week. I'm trying to see how strict i need to be. I'll weigh in at the end of the month and see where I'm at and if i need to tighten things up. Cardio is still 4 days a week 30-40 min in the morning
grilla whats your protocol like now after the changes made?? Seems like you are kickin ass my man.
If you feel you are getting estro peaks and valleys with 200 mg a week 1X and Adex @ 1mg 2X a week, you might think about pinning 100 mg of test on Monday and again on Thursday and taking your Adex on those mornings.

The estro peaks and valleys was a problem for me that we couldn't seem to really resolve. I was not interested in pinning 2X a week until I tried the insulin needle. I is so much more comfortable and I'm willing to pin 100 2X a week now. I'll get my bloods again in a couple of months so we'll see then how my levels look but I expect that we might have found some remedy to the peaks and valleys I was having with my estro.

My thoughts exactly! I don't know but it seems your introducing alot of chemicals in your body within a couple days..then dying off and repeating. I dont understand why the HCG shot the day after your Test injection?? Why not take the HCG the day before your Test injection?? Your test levels will slowly drop days after injection and it seems more sense to get a boost the day before to keep Test levels up.

Chime in Vets and Chip if I'm wrong in this thinking.
My thoughts exactly! I don't know but it seems your introducing alot of chemicals in your body within a couple days..then dying off and repeating. I dont understand why the HCG shot the day after your Test injection?? Why not take the HCG the day before your Test injection?? Your test levels will slowly drop days after injection and it seems more sense to get a boost the day before to keep Test levels up.

Chime in Vets and Chip if I'm wrong in this thinking.

I would like to hear responses to this reasoning as well
I would like to hear responses to this reasoning as well

Assuming the goal with the HCG is to support test production through stimulation of LH and FSH, then we need to consider som facts.

HCG has a biphastic response pattern.

24-36 hours after injection, you see a Test bump from the HCG. Another 24-36 hours later, you see another smaller bump. That's biphastic - 2 events. How big each bump in test really varries from person to person based on there response to HCG.

If you are injecting Test Cyp/Ent 1X week, your test levels should peak about 48 hours after your injection and gradually drop off from there. By the 7th day (the next injection there will be roughly only half of the 200 mg of the drug active in your blood (not accounting for ester weight to make our math simple). That is the approx. half life of test cyp/ent.

So, with both of these facts, if your body responds to the biphastic HCG injection with a test bupm at two points, seems you would want to time the HCG inject to maximize the test bump when your 200mg inject is near its lowest active level.

so, if you inject test on a Monday monrning, your lowest levels would be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday prior to injection. Now, as soon as you inject test you'll get an immedaite release of some of the test into your blood - .i.e. a spike. So, I wouldn't inject HCG on the same day you inject Test.

I'd look at three days before your test injection so with a 24-23 hour delay in a Test bump, you'll get some effect on Sunday - your lowest point. That would mean you HCG injection should be done on Friday morning. Now if you want to target your next lowest test day, that would be Friday or Saturday, so back up 3 more days and inject hcg on Tuesday t get a bump again on Friday or Saturday.

Remember, these shots are done in continuum so its not about 1 week but it smooths over the duration of many weeks of following the same protocol.

So, it looks like this...

Monday - 200mg Test Cyp/Ent - spikes immediately and peaks around 48 hours.

Tuesday - HCG - Causes peak on Friday when test half life is dropping significantly.

Friday - HCG - Causes another bump going into Monday prior to injection so your levels stay elevated.

Of course this is what the general research tells us. It is not going to work this way for everyone because there are tons of exogenous variables that affect these outcomes.
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thanks alot cashout! that was a very good explanation.

how would this same principle work if you did your test cyp injection every 5th day like a lot of us (Chips cleints) are doing?
thanks alot cashout! that was a very good explanation.

how would this same principle work if you did your test cyp injection every 5th day like a lot of us (Chips cleints) are doing?

Sounds like Chips protocol would work well then:

Day1: Test injection
Day2: HCG
Day3-4: HCG bump#1
Day4-5: HCG bump#2
Day 6 (E5D): Test injection
Got my labs back
test serum 1328
estrodiol 6.8 says it's low
shbg 16.9

I'm really happy with my test and SHBG. Chip said my estrodiol was too low so he wants me to go back to Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 1 mg E5D.

I'll probably test again in 3 weeks or so. I think I have a hard time reading my E2 by feel. I thought my E2 was high
Assuming the goal with the HCG is to support test production through stimulation of LH and FSH, then we need to consider som facts.

HCG has a biphastic response pattern.

24-36 hours after injection, you see a Test bump from the HCG. Another 24-36 hours later, you see another smaller bump. That's biphastic - 2 events. How big each bump in test really varries from person to person based on there response to HCG.

If you are injecting Test Cyp/Ent 1X week, your test levels should peak about 48 hours after your injection and gradually drop off from there. By the 7th day (the next injection there will be roughly only half of the 200 mg of the drug active in your blood (not accounting for ester weight to make our math simple). That is the approx. half life of test cyp/ent.

So, with both of these facts, if your body responds to the biphastic HCG injection with a test bupm at two points, seems you would want to time the HCG inject to maximize the test bump when your 200mg inject is near its lowest active level.

so, if you inject test on a Monday monrning, your lowest levels would be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday prior to injection. Now, as soon as you inject test you'll get an immedaite release of some of the test into your blood - .i.e. a spike. So, I wouldn't inject HCG on the same day you inject Test.

I'd look at three days before your test injection so with a 24-23 hour delay in a Test bump, you'll get some effect on Sunday - your lowest point. That would mean you HCG injection should be done on Friday morning. Now if you want to target your next lowest test day, that would be Friday or Saturday, so back up 3 more days and inject hcg on Tuesday t get a bump again on Friday or Saturday.

Remember, these shots are done in continuum so its not about 1 week but it smooths over the duration of many weeks of following the same protocol.

So, it looks like this...

Monday - 200mg Test Cyp/Ent - spikes immediately and peaks around 48 hours.

Tuesday - HCG - Causes peak on Friday when test half life is dropping significantly.

Friday - HCG - Causes another bump going into Monday prior to injection so your levels stay elevated.

Of course this is what the general research tells us. It is not going to work this way for everyone because there are tons of exogenous variables that affect these outcomes.

What your saying makes sense then! Great post Cashout! This was extremely informative and I'm going to start my HCG shots the day after my Test E shot (Im on E5D Test schedule)
I don't recall if I saw this thread when it started (probably did), but for some reason haven't checked it in some time even with it's high activity. I have to say this is an awesome thread g. Tons to learn - great stuff from everyone, but your progress and ups/downs is great.

It's nice to know others are on similar journeys! Keep it up - I think you have a fan club rooting for you now!

Great way to contribute to the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) community bro!!!
Thanks Packgus! hows your SHBG levels?

I am going in for blood work hopefully in the next week or two. I am eager to see what my SHBG is, especially since I have been taking the Stanozolol 50mg a day for the last 2 months.

I will report back.
Got my labs back
test serum 1328
estrodiol 6.8 says it's low
shbg 16.9

I'm really happy with my test and SHBG. Chip said my estrodiol was too low so he wants me to go back to Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 1 mg E5D.

I'll probably test again in 3 weeks or so. I think I have a hard time reading my E2 by feel. I thought my E2 was high

Hey Grilla, It looks like you're pretty close w/ your numbers! How do you feel? What's your weight BF% looking like? any gains or loses?
I am going in for blood work hopefully in the next week or two. I am eager to see what my SHBG is, especially since I have been taking the Stanozolol 50mg a day for the last 2 months.

I will report back.

I'll be interested in what your levels look like. I took injectible Stanozolol for 4 weeks. The first two weeks was EOD then the last two weeks (dropped my dose due to joint soreness) were E5D. My SHBG went from 48 to 8.8. My good cholesterol number dropped as well.
i'll be interested in what your levels look like. I took injectible stanozolol for 4 weeks. The first two weeks was eod then the last two weeks (dropped my dose due to joint soreness) were e5d. My shbg went from 48 to 8.8. My good cholesterol number dropped as well.

stanozolol is definitely tough on the lipid profile. Thats why DANAZOL is going to become so popular so quickly. It has zero negative effect on lipids, still lowers shbg, acts as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), an has the same mild anabolic properties that stanozolol and oxandrolone do.
ya Chip I will be talking to you soon about DANAZOL. My experience with the Stanozolol was not ideal. I did notice the joints hurting more. Also I think my acne got worse with it as well.