Growth Hormone- The truth


New member
Hey guys, just asking advice on this stuff. All I really want out of the GH is help with fat loss, energy, and better sleep. Do you guys believe it really helps in this? Not looking for the muscle gains from GH as I will be using lower doses. I will be using Winstrol (winny) and Primo to help gain a little muscle.
Bro there are cheaper ways to lose fat, if you think by using HGH it's going to be easier, you need to re-think what you're doing as far as diet goes

cardio+diet can help you with all three of the things you want: fat loss, energy, and better sleep
To answer your question. Yes it will.

It has improved my strength, leaned me out, keeps my muscles full, makes me push through my workouts harder, and it does make me sleep very good. It gives me picture perfect dreams every night. I wake up every morning knowing exactly what I have dreamed.
My diet will be solid during this period. Im not looking at using GH as a fat burner as much as I have heard great things about it making you feel like you are in your low to mid 20's again. Im 34 and just looking for something to add to my system. I'm tired of the old Sus Dbol cycle. Im ready to lean out.
You can lean out on Sustanon (sust) and dbol if your diets right. Steroids don't make you lean or fat, diet does.
lancer said:
My diet will be solid during this period.

My question would be; Why isn't your diet solid all the time ?

If you only plan on having your diet in order during a HGH run, then your problems lie elsewhere.
I'm sorry for not being clear. I would love to run the GH the entire year to start. Im running it with 400mg of Primo a week for 12 weeks or longer if it feels right. As far as diet goes, what I meant was is that Im going to eat very clean during this period. My diet is pretty good all year. Im going to bump up my cardio to around 45min 4 days a week. Im just gonna go for the abs I never fully get :) Does this sound good?
GH has no effect on skeletal muscles whatsoever, so it won't make you stronger. It has been found to increase lean body mass, but lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle. It means anything that is not fat e.g. bone growth, connective tissue growth, fluid retention etc. GH commonly causes a drop in energy levels, not an increase in energy. These people saying that GH does all these positive things are either just paroting what they read or heard somewhere, or are/were stacking GH with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wrongly attributing the way they feel to GH.
AussieThunder said:
GH has no effect on skeletal muscles whatsoever, so it won't make you stronger. It has been found to increase lean body mass, but lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle. It means anything that is not fat e.g. bone growth, connective tissue growth, fluid retention etc. GH commonly causes a drop in energy levels, not an increase in energy. These people saying that GH does all these positive things are either just paroting what they read or heard somewhere, or are/were stacking GH with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wrongly attributing the way they feel to GH.

Funny that you are the first person I've heard with this viewpoint. And there have been quite a few posts here by people with GH experience.
AussieThunder said:
GH has no effect on skeletal muscles whatsoever, so it won't make you stronger. It has been found to increase lean body mass, but lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle. It means anything that is not fat e.g. bone growth, connective tissue growth, fluid retention etc. GH commonly causes a drop in energy levels, not an increase in energy. These people saying that GH does all these positive things are either just paroting what they read or heard somewhere, or are/were stacking GH with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wrongly attributing the way they feel to GH.

AussieThunder said:
GH has no effect on skeletal muscles whatsoever, so it won't make you stronger. It has been found to increase lean body mass, but lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle. It means anything that is not fat e.g. bone growth, connective tissue growth, fluid retention etc. GH commonly causes a drop in energy levels, not an increase in energy. These people saying that GH does all these positive things are either just paroting what they read or heard somewhere, or are/were stacking GH with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wrongly attributing the way they feel to GH.
Very interesting - Ive never used GH myself though I know plenty of people who have. I must say that many of them dont get a damn ounce of results. Plus the financial investment causes MANY guys to just believe that it works - placebo effect. Though this is definatly dose dependant, I also know guys who run high doses and report great results.

Could you elaborate your viewpoint a little?
AussieThunder said:
GH has no effect on skeletal muscles whatsoever, so it won't make you stronger. It has been found to increase lean body mass, but lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle. It means anything that is not fat e.g. bone growth, connective tissue growth, fluid retention etc. GH commonly causes a drop in energy levels, not an increase in energy. These people saying that GH does all these positive things are either just paroting what they read or heard somewhere, or are/were stacking GH with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and wrongly attributing the way they feel to GH.[/QUOTE]

this is the only part I disagree with. I FEEL great on or off cycle. I SLEEP better on or off cycle. I have lost fat more easily on and off cycle, My skin is more youthful in appearance than when I started 8 months ago along with my mental acuity at the office, my stamina, etc.. I would neither defend nor deny the idea that it adds skeletal muscle or helps you to grow more muscle without the combination of AAS. I don't really know but that is not the reason this breaking down old body decided to get on the stuff. For the reasons described above...I'm on it and loving it.
LiftTillIDie said:
Funny that you are the first person I've heard with this viewpoint. And there have been quite a few posts here by people with GH experience.

Well maybe you need to do a little more research. GH has been shown to aid fat loss, increase bone mass (after atleast 6 months of use) and thicken the skin. Some people report 'feeling better' while on GH, however, an equal number of people notice no difference in the way they feel. There have been a number of studies done on the effect of GH in athletes using large doses for up to 9 months and not one found any effect on muscle hypertrophy or strength. Dr Kevin Yarasheski has done most of the research in this area.
GH tends to be something that works when its "replacing" a deficiency. My wife and I are both on GH (each 2.5U/day) and have seen profound changes. But we are in out early to mid 50's. Our IGF-1 levels were in the toilet to begin with, now they are not.

Workouts are much more productive. Unfortunately the side-effects suck.
jonquiljo said:
GH tends to be something that works when its "replacing" a deficiency. My wife and I are both on GH (each 2.5U/day) and have seen profound changes. But we are in out early to mid 50's. Our IGF-1 levels were in the toilet to begin with, now they are not.

Workouts are much more productive. Unfortunately the side-effects suck.

What side effects are we talking about. Elaborate please.