guys im going to administrate a pin


Fart Knocker
Im going to administrate a pin for my guinea pig.

I have to say drawing the oils was easy and I figured that I would add a shot of b12 along with it. Well when I drew the b12 it dawned on me. Is it ok to mix the two in the same shot? I know one is oil and the other isnt just wondering if I should startover or pin.

Kinda need a response soon.
your guinea pig could possibly die. mixing b12 with oil when introduced to a muscle group can potentially cause such side effects as paralysis and even death. you might want to take your guinea pig to a vet, asap. if you don't, keep a close eye on it because it will set in in the extremities and would spread through your guinea pig's blood. from that point there is no telling if or when it would affect the heart, but i doubt you want to take any chances on that, so seek professional help immediately if you notice this type of thing in your guinea pig.
Im going to administrate a pin for my guinea pig.

I have to say drawing the oils was easy and I figured that I would add a shot of b12 along with it. Well when I drew the b12 it dawned on me. Is it ok to mix the two in the same shot? I know one is oil and the other isnt just wondering if I should startover or pin.

Kinda need a response soon.

for oil with oil id say its probibly ok, but i would not rec mixing with oil and water, and make sure yougot all the air bubble out. next time i rec the b12 on its own.
I did but since it was my first pin I PULLED the pin out at the wrong angle and the PIP hurts!

Question guys, the b12 is red a seperates from the oil, should I draw b12 first then the tren and prop for the rest?

Fucks guys I was planning on pinning ED I think Im doing E2D
your guinea pig could possibly die. mixing b12 with oil when introduced to a muscle group can potentially cause such side effects as paralysis and even death. you might want to take your guinea pig to a vet, asap. if you don't, keep a close eye on it because it will set in in the extremities and would spread through your guinea pig's blood. from that point there is no telling if or when it would affect the heart, but i doubt you want to take any chances on that, so seek professional help immediately if you notice this type of thing in your guinea pig.

lol sick puppy
I did but since it was my first pin I PULLED the pin out at the wrong angle and the PIP hurts!

Question guys, the b12 is red a seperates from the oil, should I draw b12 first then the tren and prop for the rest?

Fucks guys I was planning on pinning ED I think Im doing E2D

damn bro calm down breath u sound like a crackhead
lol. erectus maximus is right. some people do it just to get some funky, wild colors going on in their injects. i worry about those kind of guys for other reasons lol but yeah, no problem with mixing. do them however you want as far as what to draw when.

and yes, you can pull out wrong causing some excess pip, you'll be fine.

shooting eod is wayyyyy better than shooting ed. i wouldn't shoot ed unless i absolutely had to. and even then, i'd probably change something else so i no longer absolutely had to.
thanks prophet. I was like wow no pip. 12 hours later OH FUCK PIP! its a little hard and semi swollen but there is no bruise or redness just hard. I also didnt know that you have to inject slowly lol I just had at it when the pin penetrated the skin.

Def goind EOD untill I figure were else to pin.

The spot with pip has to be pin free for 7 days before I pin again?
just did the second pin and the guinea pigs delt bled. The first pin didnt bleed at all, I guess my left hand is not as accurate at angles and speed of admin. Great hope there isnt MORE pip than on the other side.
blood just means that a vein got nicked somewhere in there. no biggie. people often nick them pulling the needle out. hopefully it wasn't followed with a trail of oil, not that much oil would come back out, but still. there's a method some people use... i forget the name. z something. basically you use one finger to pull some skin to the side before injecting. that way, when you pull out and release, the path the needle took is no longer straight, so nothing can make it out easily.

z something.... z what was it.... damn i can't remember. try it out if you want. you can google it..... bet just typing z injection will get you the 'official' word for it.
and sorry, but you're going to 'administer' a pin, not administrate a pin. administrating a pin would be more like taking the pin, assigning it a location, making sure it gets to the location properly, logging when it arrived at the location, then monitoring it to make sure it didn't change locations on you. :D
I pinned the guinea pigs quad today. Just wondering How much should one pull back ghe plunger to aspirate the syringe while its in the muscle?

It scares the shit out of me that I may hit a vein. Thats why I like the delt method.
I think I used the Z method or what ever. I just pushed the muscle and skin closer together penetrated aspirated (i believe I did) then proceeded. Not sure If i was supposed to release the pressure of me stretching the muscle and skin or not but I was applying it untill I finished pinning.