
Yessir...sorry for the lack of updates....weighed in @ 228 the other day.....9.6 lbs in 3 weeks......pretty impresive.....i cant imagine its power on a good cut with a bunch of cardio.
Awesome results so far man, my bottle got spilled on the kitchen floor this morning so my log has ended. :gay2:
I wonder if this would be a good peptide to take leading up to and in conjunction with a 4 week dbol kickstart to cycle of test to reduce water? Thoughts?
I saw an increase in endurance....thats about all the extra benefits i saw.....I think the dosage can be upped.....when i took 7.5mgs i actually got hot and a bit clen or albuterol..but not unmanageble at all.
Final tally was 9 lbs.....I def. didnt lose muscle....but I def. lost I'd say 5lbs was fat from what I can tell...