GW50+S4+Osta SARMS Triple Stack Log Sponsored by

Hey folks:

Sorry for the lag. I was unexpectedly out of town on business for a few days and didn't have a chance to log in. Did a very solid back day on 3/11, skipped 3/12, and have spent the last four nights screwing around at the hotel gym (sans pretty much everything I need). Got two excellent cardio sessions in, and I will report the following:
1) Stamina is TORQUED on GW. I'm an asthmatic, a former smoker, and basically a lazy bastard when it comes to any/all things aerobic, but I've discovered a weird love of running since starting the GW. I don't get nearly as tired nearly as quickly on GW, and the endorphin rush is insane. Not like
heroin insane, but it's the first time I've felt anything remotely comparable to the rush I get from lifting. ---> I am actually LOOKING FORWARD to doing cardio tomorrow.

2) After three days of basically not lifting and of eating like a Medieval serf, I've still kept my size. Haven't lost a single pound of body weight since the beginning of the triple stack, and I've probably shredded at least a few pounds of fat.

3) I'm strongly considering canning the TestStack17 for this run. I feel a bit waterlogged, and I think it's from the TS. Strange give that it's a natty booster.

4) Back on track. Loving the triple stack. Going to double up my workouts this week for the few days I basically missed.
hey bro, at what dose are you running the GW at? I got a bottle sitting on my dresser eyeing

The endurance increase is sick, over a 90 percent increase studies
I'm dosing GW at 20 mg/ED. You could also run it @ 10 mg/twice a day, but GW basically operates as an ER formula. [I forget what its half-life is, but it's relatively long,] Osta is similar, but S4 has a shorter half-life, which means you'd benefit from dosing twice a day. I dose S4 @25 mg X 2/ED
I'm dosing GW at 20 mg/ED. You could also run it @ 10 mg/twice a day, but GW basically operates as an ER formula. [I forget what its half-life is, but it's relatively long,] Osta is similar, but S4 has a shorter half-life, which means you'd benefit from dosing twice a day. I dose S4 @25 mg X 2/ED

right on, this stack is nuts. looks great
Last night's workout was epic. Threw down Chest AND back and even got biceps and triceps into the mix. Let me just say something here: This stack I'm running here is ******* expensive, but it's about as worth it as anything I've ever tried. EVER. I've lost six pounds already from the S4 and GW and I'm actually lifting MORE than I was just a week ago. The recomp effects of SARMS are simply stunning. Not only am I cutting up and adding lean mass simultaneously, but the gains are *completely dry*--I mean, there is NOTHING artificial about this shit.

That's the biggest adv. of SARMS vs. prohormones/steroids in my book: There's no aromatization/water retention and no trade-off in the aesthetics. Basically what I'm saying is that you get close to the anabolic/pro-aesthetic effects of the synthetics without LOOKING or FEELING like you're on gear. Ie, no bloating, no moon face, no abdominal swelling, no yellowishess in skin--you just look harder, leaner, stronger, and just as healthy. Also, on SARMS I feel a little of the ++ rage and aggression but it's easier to manage, and you're not going to get the kind of mood swings that I've always associated with real gear. Even controlling for side effects, I'd rather be on SARMS than on gear, because it's just a more aesthetic look and more salubrious feel.
Then, factor in the fact that SARMS are not liver toxic, they're not suppressive (except in large dosages), and can be cycled for much longer, and I think this is a no-brainer.
All hail the triple stack!
GW and S4 have been the BOMB as hardening agents and Osta is starting to kick in on both vascularity and size. I'm down to 219 lbs from 222 lbs but all my lifts are all going up. Max bench went up from 415 to 435 on Wed., and I cannot wait to see what's next. Another plus is that energy is up ALL day and I'm needing a bit less sleep than usual (as evinced by my 5:00 AM wake up this morning).

Only side effect is that I'm experiencing a bit of stomach indigestion and heartburn--enough to inspire me to pick up Prilosec. Not sure if this is due to the SARMS (maybe GW?) or perhaps to stress levels, anxiety, etc (which at work have been high). Would be interested if anyone has observed anything similar.

No other sides, tho: Libido's great, eyes are clear, everything else is A okay.
The trip stack just gets better and better, yo. I've never felt so much energy as on GW, and my muscles are hardening like crazy with the S4. Not sure if the Osta's kicked in yet, but I've maintained a constant weight and am down about 1-2% in body fat after about the first 1.5 weeks.
Triple Stack!! I'm about two weeks in, and the endurance effect from the GW keeps getting more and more powerful. I mean, yesterday, 2.5 hrs of weights PLUS cardio like a machine. I mean, EVERYONE is asking about this stuff. Even better, the Osta's finally starting to kick in and as we speak I'm at 224 lbs (up two pounds) with more lean mass.
A few added notes:
-ZERO side effects and gains are totally dry
-Libido is higher than ever. Boys are plump and healthy. [This is where the HcGenerate is helpful--I suggest ALWAYS running a natural test base with a SARMS stack.]
-Everyone is asking me if I'm juicing. It's hard to give them a very good answer because most of these people have never heard of SARMS. On the one hand, I feel like I have a secret weapon; on the other, I feel like screaming Triple Stack off the rooftop.
-In the first two weeks, I'd guess I've gained about 4-6 pounds of muscle and I've lost about 3-5 pounds of fat. That's the right direction. I've never taken anything else that BOTH builds and CUTS at the same time. And I'm going to retain these gains bros.
This is absolutely awesome. Knew you'd love this stack. The GW is insane. When I'm on GW I just pop in The Dark Knight and literally forget I'm doing cardio. It's awesome! I just started prep for a shoot in May, I'll be starting GW soon. It's good stuff!
The log results speak for themselves, triple stack is the real deal. keep up the great work!
The Trip Stack is REALLY kicking in. I switched it up and did Legs today and am experiencing appreciable strength gains. I mean APPRECIABLE. Despite the tweak in my lower back, I loaded nine plates on each side of the legpress: I did four sets with little more than a wince. Normally I struggle with eight and have never done nine, so this is a very big deal for me. Witnessed similar things with hamstrings, calves, and leg extensions. At every station, the weight that ordinarily challenges me felt almost criminally easy.

Weighed in at 225 today. amd I'm at the point where almost everyone assumes I'm on something. I like that it suggests I'm starting to make gains; I don't like it that they probably think on gear that's much harder core than SARMS. Supposedly SARMS are 1/3rd as potent as straight testosterone. That may or may not be true, but my strength gains have been off the charts lately.
I've been using ostra in my PCT for a week now and love this stuff, I have kept all my weight from my hella cycle and I am still continuing to make strength gains. I definitely noticed that my joints are feeling much better whether or not thats due to coming off hella or the OSTRA IDK but either way i love this shit. This log is getting me interested in running the tripple stack I really hope the sides stay away and you continue to make these amazing gains , I'll be watching bro keep killing it!
No sides to speak of, I don't think. No vision sides with the S4. There might be *slight* suppression, but I'm keeping healthy with the HcGenerate. You also might consider having an AI on hand, *just in case* of estrogen rebound and water retention. In my case, the Forma's taken care of any of that.

Which is to say I'm still killing it. Nearing the end of the first month on the Trip Stack and my body weight is down from 223 to about 218. Overall strength is up; I've set personal records on the bench and leg press. Stamina is insane; with GW you're euphoric on your workouts and never, ever want to stop. My Saturday workout went three hours with almost zero moments of fatigue. My %bf is down from about 10 to like 7.

Cool thing is that these compounds are made to be taken together. The GW stamina and fat loss + S4 recomp + Osta mass produce effects that mutiply when combined. I've taken each of these on their own, and I have to say that the effects are like 10X better with the trip stack.

I got four more weeks on the stack, and then I know I'm going to miss it. Even with the price, yo, I wish I could take this all year round.
Nice job brother! I gotta few questions.

What do you mean you're sponsored by SARMSsearch? Are they paying you in any way?

At what mgs/week are the different SARMs suppressive?
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still making great gains, thats awesome to see man. glad your loving it..we knew you would!