GW50+S4+Osta SARMS Triple Stack Log Sponsored by

Continuing your GW into your pct is absolutely fine. It's a great idea actually: it'll continue your awesome GW effects (including the fat burning) and causes zero shutdown.
Thank You, PS!

In a few days I'll have finished my Trip Stack cycle, and I will give a full statistical accounting of my progress, but suffice it to say I'm going to miss this A LOT. I'm going to continue GW through my PCT, but how soon do you guys think I can cycle back to S4 and Osta? I'm doing at least a four-week mini PCT and maybe a four week bridge; does 8 weeks seem like enough time to get my system ready for another Trip Stack run?
I always go by the time on=time off protocol. So if this was an 8 week run and you take 8 weeks off to pct and stuff then I'd say yes
For those counting, I ran a six-week Trip Stack SARMs cycle and just finished this past weekend. Was originally planning on eight, but I read somewhere that the returns from Osta and S4 are diminishing after about week five or six, and I'd rather err on the right (i.e. conservative) side than the other way around. Plus, with the time on=time off protocol, this means I can do another Triple Stack in six weeks. Basically I CANNOT WAIT for summer. This has been the most exciting cycle I've ever run, and I have literally zero complaints.

To summarize: I started six weeks ago at 223 lbs. I weighed in today at EXACTLY the same. The recomping effects were huge, though. (1) Strength: My max bench went up 40 lbs, my max squat went up 90 lbs, and my ordinary rep push/pull/leg weights were all demonstrably higher than ever before. (2) Muscle size: I put on about 1/2 inch on my arms and probably a solid inch or two to my chest. EVERYONE in the gym's been asking what I'm on. When I insist I'm not juicing, they just stare at the floor (straining their incredulity). (3) Definition/Vascularity: My six-pack's come back a lot, and I'm seeing way more veins than six weeks ago. I started the Trip Stack after coming off a major bulk (and pneumonia and quitting smoking), so I have definitely benefited from the cutting effects of GW and S4. While I have probably been slightly less impressed with this component of the stack than the muscle-building component, there's no denying I'm leaner and meaner than before. (4) Endurance: I suspect the GW added at least 30-45 minutes to my daily workouts. Great news if you have time on your hands. With GW, I felt immortal--like I could last forever. I'm continuing this into my PCT and will keep everyone posted on how/whether/how much it continues to work. (5) Mental Clarity and Focus: Unlike prohormones or fat burners or the like, I felt consistently more focused, smarter, and just flat-out "on" while taking the Triple Stack. I don't know how to account for that (or how to replicate it), but I felt myself to be more productive and clearer-thinking than I have in a long time. Some of it's an energy boost, but there's no crash or dead period, and it's that stability that I really appreciated most.

All told, this was an amazing stack. The trick is how I can possibly design my PCT to hold me over until I can do it again. One thing is I can keep the GW going. That's good news. I'm also taking Nolva (20 mg/ed), Aromasin (25 mg/ed), Unleashed, Need2Burn, TestStack17 and/or HcGenerate.
If anyone has any suggestions on additions or subtractions, I'd love to hear it. Meanwhile I'll keep y'all posted on whether I can sustain these gains.
Those are badass stats/imporvements. those results speak for themselves as to the quality of SS
SS=the Best. And I've tried them all. Unique's underdosed, is adulterated (I think), but is solid, and you always get what you pay for. They produce a chemically pure and stable product. SS is the Heisenberg of sarms manufacturers.

Alpha, I ran HCGen on cycle, and I'm continuing it PCT. Good thing about the SARMS cycle is that it's not too suppressive so the PCT doesn't need to be super sophisticated.
I have tried them all, I prefer SS. I can tell you that sarms1 is garbage. The GW was not even clear, a lumpy mess.

just my .02.

Yeah Im just saying that he prob has no definitive proof of his statement. So why make the statement?
I have heard that Sarms1 stuff comes out of suspension or something.
So far however, I have never seen anything negative regarding Unique.
Everyone has their own opinions with brands and companies. Same reason we don't all drive a Ford.

Everyone is entitled to think what they want. I too have tried several companies and sarms search is who I have chosen to always use when running sarms.
To backup what the others are saying about SS; I just finised an S-4 log. Sure, it was sponsored, but I posted plenty of pics to show the results. You can't deny pics. Their stuff kicks ass!!
To backup what the others are saying about SS; I just finised an S-4 log. Sure, it was sponsored, but I posted plenty of pics to show the results. You can't deny pics. Their stuff kicks ass!!

Word. You did an awesome job. Perfect example of getting amazing results when you give it an awesome effort!
How do I know sarms1 is adulterated? You're right, I don't know that. I don't have empirical (i.e., chemical/lab) evidence or pharmacological statistics to compare. What I do have is enough experience to say that works far better than unique or sarms1. To wit, I went on a solo SS GW run last year and lost five pounds of fat. I went on a solo sarms1 GW run last year and lost two pounds (at most) of fat. The MKs are roughly the same (for me), but the SS S4 is MUCH more effective than the sarms1 S4. Again, no lab evidence, but SS S4 adds strength and cuts me up like a diamond. Sarms1 S4 adds strength, too, but doesn't have any effect on muscle definition (again, for me).

Yes, these could be idiosyncratic, they could be due to slight training differences, who knows, but here's the larger point: Sarmssearch has been around for many years. They've consistently received good reviews and have delivered a chemically pure and stable product. Sarms1 is relatively new. It doesn't have the track record or log history that SS does. For me, that alone makes SS the better choice.

p.s. Have also tried Unique. They're cheap, but I've never gotten any gains from their products. Literally nothing. Nothing against, them; that's just been my experience.
Anzel, Alpha, et al,

What we have here is a cause/effect fallacy. Ie, it's easy to presuppose that b/c I'm repping for SS, my endorsement must be phony and my results must be biased. But the reality is that I'm only repping for them because I ALREADY know they are the best. Based on experience and a fair amount of scrutiny