gw501516 log sponsored by sarmsearch/truegritt

Forgot the day now so I will just log my workout not including the day
Back and bicep
I was sick for the last 2 days so didn't hit the gym just slept and relaxed and I was worried I'd loose some strength because I didn't count macros When I was sick. so I know I didnt get in my required amount of protein I took in mostly carbs. But I went to the gym and killed it. started with back did pull up finished with weighted pulls with 90 pounds went to deads finished off with 405 for 6 did bent over dumbell rows with 135 supersetted with pullovers. Next I did cble rows 3 drop sets and finished off back with wide grip lat pull downs supersetted with single arm pull downs. Workout was very heavy but still manages to go higher reps on most with a min in between sets and 1.5 mins in between supersets. Went to biceps and did barbell curls a 4 weight dropset. From there did alternating dumbell curls supersetted with hammer curls. From there dud concentration curls and finished off the workout with double bicep cable curls. Ran out of time and couldn't hit abs like I planned but today's workout was awesome. GW is such a help I think I will extend it past this log. Did cardio at work today 25 mins of hit. 5 mph jog and 11 mph sprint
Leg and triceps
Evert workout has Ben sick ever since the gw totally kicked. I look forward to my workouts daily. I've Ben so busy I haven't had a chance to continue logging. But I did legs very heavy with 1 min rest between sets. DI'd
Front squats
Back squats
Single leg presses
Leg curls supersetted with straight leg deads
Leg extensions
And calves
As for triceps I did
Close grip bench press
Cable press down palms down superset with reverse press down palms up
Skull crushers
Dips superset with kick backs
All in all still an amazing workout. I have got alot leaner since starting the gw my veins are going crazy I have veins all over my shoulders chest arms it's nice
Rest day wednesday
Thursday I hit back and biis
Focused alot on pull downs and did very heavy deads. I hit arms with lots of dropsets and heavy negatives which is different from my normal high volume training so I was deff sore and feeling it.
Im still taking the gw pre workout and it works wonders. I can't imagine training with out the gw