Gyno. A-dex doesnt work. Need dosage for Aromasin

yes. cyclofenil very likely upregulates the PgR.

yes its very possible to reverse. the main thing is to get symptoms and aggravation under control NOW.

dont reccomend the b6, IMO this may be aggravating were progestins are implicated. Also the downregulation of the AR is troubling in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) related cases.

Generally reccomend a calorie deficit when trying to reduce hard tissue, because local fat is often supportive and excess cals produces higher amounts of agonizing hormones like insulin, igf-1 and hgh.
dostinex is making me spin-out, mentally, like i am in another dimention. i need it for leaky nips. does long term usage of arimidex (3yrs) have a "rebound effect? i use it w/ test ciponate. legally perscribed.

letro!!! 2.5mg for 10 days taper down to 1-1.5 until day 15 worked wonders for me