Gyno and my next steps, any ideas?


New member
After seeing my Endocrinologist and running Nova for 3 months with 0 results, I'm looking for the next step. My gyno isn't terrible but it is noticeable, the weird thing is that my left side is a lot worse then the right, and it's not always puffy. Does that sound normal, I mean it comes and goes and is worse in the second half of the day when I believe my hormones in my body are fluctuating more? My doctor didn't want to try Letro as he said all the studies he read on the product showed 0 legitimate results. I know people have had success with it, but that's what he told me...

Is there anyway to tell if this was caused naturally rather then me taking supplements?

What are my next options maybe Armidex or just surgery? How successful is surgery in solving the issue permanently?

Thanks everyone!
So letro is the best thing to use because it doesn't permenantly shut down your edstogen production is has a nice rebound effect. It is very responsive if you are taking too much your joints with dryout and then you just adjust the dosage a little and your fin the next day. I sware by Letrozole. I was the first one to experience the effect and document it back in 2002.
from what I know the left side is always worse. I don't know why but mine is that way. My doc told me
You haven't told us what all you were using to cause this.... How long has this been this way. The longer you have it and let it go the harder it is to fix :dunno:
I HAD MY LEFT ONE REMOVED IN 88 ?. And since Doc (best friend s dad RIP ) was the one who gave me the AAS he cut the right one out too saying
"Well the right one s not as pronounced but since we re removing the left one it stands to reason the right will flare...."
My left was lactating and when I placed the bar on a pause bench it was like a testicle in my pec supporting 315. UNCOOL .

I m to old arthritic and unstable to risk a estro crusher like letro BUT IT CAN REVERSE gyno like DPR say s. I gave my letro to a lifting partner of mine whose VERY gyno prone and it worked. He struggled w the low s that CAN come w crashed estro but IT S A TEMP THAING.
Around 8 years ago I took a few different pro hormones, test, dbol, and substances of the sort on and off bulking up. The problem didn't start to occur till around 2.5-3 years ago with a 3-4 year period where I had no problem. My left one is definitely worse then the right and the weird thing is it isn't always there, any ideas why. Basically it isn't always puffy it comes and goes.

Will Letro help me at this point in the game as I have had it for a few years?

What are the side effects of Letro?

Will a doctor prescribe it?

Would Test and Dbol cause this?

My left side is definitely worse then the right and after taking pro hormones when I was younger and some test and dbol I didn't have a problem for about 3-4 years after that. Could this just be natural aging of a 27 year old?

Will Letro help after I have had it for 3 years?
I heard Letro can be hard on your body what does it feel like to take it?
Will a doctor prescribe Letro?

I'm going to put in a vote for raloxifene.... I've had some mild gyno on one side: palpable glandular growth and pain when I inadvertently press against it ( like folding arms) and a month or so of ralox 60mg per day has cleared it up completely. Seems really effective and I always keep some around now.
Letro is such an old school way of handling gyno. Ralox is a better way to go about it. Who wants to crush their estrogen while try8ng to reverse gyno???
I love letro fuck estrogen i crush her bitch ass all the time people exaggerate the feeling of low estrogen. When you kill it to barely existing it bounces back to normal prettty fast as long as your taking test.
Would Test and Dbol cause this?

My left side is definitely worse then the right and after taking pro hormones when I was younger and some test and dbol I didn't have a problem for about 3-4 years after that. Could this just be natural aging of a 27 year old?

Will Letro help after I have had it for 3 years?
I heard Letro can be hard on your body what does it feel like to take it?
Will a doctor prescribe Letro?


Yes if you read up on Test and Dbol they are the top culprits. AS far as it being years ago , I don't know. I do know that it is a fact that for some reason the left side is more prominent then the right with most all the cases. SO I was told by my doctors and the people that did my mammogram a few years ago. I have some Gyno on the left but little to none on the right.

I also have been am under the impression by what all I have heard that if the Gyno has been there for a year or more it is most likely not going to be cured with anything but surgery. (I could be wrong here? )
Stop wasting money on serms or ai. By the time you realize you cant get rid of gyno like that you will have spent what the surgery would cost. Havent looked back a day since my surgery. .. the time is now!

How many mg a day should you take and for how long?

Is there anything else that goes along with taking Raloxifene?

What are the side effects?

Thanks everyone!