harder erections.. sigh


New member
Anybody have issues? Ok, I'm sure there are guys with this issue. I get hard enough to get the job done, but there are reasons I'd like "my boy" to be harder. Particularly, the head. If he's not hard enough, especially during oral, he gets hurt. Yeah... blows.

Anyway, I suppose it's blood circulation and I need to increase that. What can I do? Natural supps? I have no libido probs, just hardness probs.

Man it sucks typing this... kinda..... embarrassing.
You ever used Deca in your stack?

I've had libido problems with deca before (without Test.) and it suppresses sperm production and natural test (both of which can be overcome with proper PCT), but I believe, and I may be wrong, that it thinns your blood as well as providing a + nitrogen balance, which increases BP, and if you're a healthy guy, it should fill you out..
how about exercises? You know, the ones where you "flex" the muscle at the base of your testicles 200x/day? (like 2x-second) ?