Has anyone here had hair transplant or considered it?


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there's alot of talk about hair loss on here, I may be facing it one day too, there's that procedure where they take the hair from sides and back where dht has no effect and move it up top, sounds like a permanent fix but probably not cheap, has anyone thought about it?
nope, shave head and let it go

Agreed. Take control and shave your head before nature takes it.....

but if you are that concerned about losing it, you are more than welcome to harvest the hair from my back as that seems to be the only place it grows these days.
so how about all you guys taking fina, propecia etc. to hold onto your hair, Has anyone consisdered this? I'm just curious
I was feeling the same way at one time...."Ahhhh fuck it , if it gets bad I'll shave it".
But there are ways to prevent it, if it aint to late. I joined this hair loss board and these guys are saying to do the "Big3" 1) Proscar 1mg ed 2) Minoxidil and 3) Nizoral shampoo 3 x ew. Some are claiming to actually have had regrowth. I'm gonna atleast try it....what do you have to lose by trying. If you like the bald look...then go ahead and shave it now all you brave souls :bigok:
Here's the website.....I'm there under Ozzy27 there too..............
HairlossTalk Support Forums • Men's Hair Loss Discussions
I was feeling the same way at one time...."Ahhhh fuck it , if it gets bad I'll shave it".
But there are ways to prevent it, if it aint to late. I joined this hair loss board and these guys are saying to do the "Big3" 1) Proscar 1mg ed 2) Minoxidil and 3) Nizoral shampoo 3 x ew. Some are claiming to actually have had regrowth. I'm gonna atleast try it....what do you have to lose by trying. If you like the bald look...then go ahead and shave it now all you brave souls :bigok:
Here's the website.....I'm there under Ozzy27 there too..............
HairlossTalk Support Forums • Men's Hair Loss Discussions

I do this^^^^ to try to hold onto my hair that I have, but not spending money for hairplugs and then do gear and lose it again. To each his own. I've seen some promising stuff about stem cell therapy for hair. That might be something down the road when were Stone ColdNTO's age.
I do this^^^^ to try to hold onto my hair that I have, but not spending money for hairplugs and then do gear and lose it again.

Actually the advances in hair transplantation have been fairly significant over the years. IF the procedure is performed by a COMPETENT, skillful surgeon you can expect a decent result. The transplanted hair will also be immune to future fall out, as the grafts are harvested from the back and sides of the head, areas normally immune to the effects of DHT/MPB. Everyone speaks of hair multiplication...I'll believe it when I see it.
i do the finasteride/minoxidil combo and im telling you man, before, i could pull out handfulls of hair. and now, i couldnt pull it out if i tried, even when im on. i also went from getting haircuts every 3-4 months to every month.
yo Dialtone any sides from finasteride...i am gyno prono and when my E is up lose libido thx

You're bumping an old thread and dtone isn't here often. I run finasteride at 1.25mg Ed with no sides whatsoever. If you do take it be sure to watch your bp as it causes it to rise for some people.
As many of you know, I am a long time (16 years now) user of fina. Worked wonders for me.

MPB is a big problem on both sides of my family tree - every man on both sides has been totally bald by age 30 (except me of course b/c of fina).

My little brother just turned 30 and he refused to take my advice back in his 20's and get on fina when his hair started to thin. He was so worried about "going limp" that he wouldn't even consider the idea of using fina.

Well, he just spent $17K last July to get a follicular transplant of 5800 hairs moved from the back of his head to the front of his hairline.

It has not reached its full density yet (takes a full year) but by every indication, it is going to look fantastic.

It was a one day procedure that took about 10 hours. He worked with a specialist who only does hair transplants. That is the key to it. Do not go to someone who does hair transplants unless that is all they do. The guy he went to is in Atlanta and his name is Dr. Edmond Griffin. He has been doing transplants for 25 years. He is one of the the very best in the country. He ain't cheap but if you are going to do this - do it right.

If you want more info, let me know. My brother is an MD (Pediatrics) also so he did his homework. I'll find out anything that you might want to know.

$17K for fucking hair? unbelieveable. Every transplant i have seen has looked retarded. Maybe they didn't spend enough. lol
Has anyone used fina with deca or tren?

I think I've seen a thread that said it was an old myth not to use fina with either of the two because back in the old days it was more common to run those without tren.

It looks like the latest info points out that it's ok to run fina with either of these as long as test is in the cycle as well.

Might not be the best thread for this but I thought I would just throw it out there :D
Has anyone used fina with deca or tren?

I think I've seen a thread that said it was an old myth not to use fina with either of the two because back in the old days it was more common to run those without tren.

It looks like the latest info points out that it's ok to run fina with either of these as long as test is in the cycle as well.

Might not be the best thread for this but I thought I would just throw it out there :D

Do not use fina with Deca. Deca interacts with the 5-a-reductase enzyme to reduce to DHN - a much less androgenic compound than Deca itself. If you use fina with Deca, it will not reduce and you'll see a significant increase in Deca's androgenic side effects.

Tren doesn't reduce via the 5-a-reductase enzyme so its androgenic component is unaffected by fina. However, tren is one of the most androgenic AAS commercially available so if you are concerned about androgenic side effects like hair loss, do not use tren. Nothing will mitigate its androgenic effects.

$17K for fucking hair? unbelieveable. Every transplant i have seen has looked retarded. Maybe they didn't spend enough. lol

Yup - $17,600 to be exact. Dr. Griffin is one of the very best. He has done quite a few actors, pro wrestlers, and other athletes. His office is full of before and after pics of celebrities. Some of them you would say, "Damn, I didn't know he had a hair transplant!"

As for my little bro, of course, when you have a thriving pediatric practice, you are single, and a big brother (me) who paid your way through medical school, $17K really is like pennies.

I do have to say, so far it looks damn fantastic.

If my hair ever started to recede b/c the fina stopped working, I would go to Dr. Griffin and have it done too!
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Hey cashout - no hair loss at 44 yet - I just want to try and keep it that way :D

I'll be running a test and tren cycle soon and Im sure ill be running a deca and test cycle latter in the year...

I haven't worried too much about hair loss - except I want to start putting together a long term prevention plan for all cycles.

Thanks for the feedback :)

Do not use fina with Deca. Deca interacts with the 5-a-reductase enzyme to reduce to DHN - a much less androgenic compound than Deca itself. If you use fina with Deca, it will not reduce and you'll see a significant increase in Deca's androgenic side effects.

Tren doesn't reduce via the 5-a-reductase enzyme so its androgenic component is unaffected by fina. However, tren is one of the most androgenic AAS commercially available so if you are concerned about androgenic side effects like hair loss, do not use tren. Nothing will mitigate its androgenic effects.

yo Cashout, how long ago did he do transplant you see hair already? and from what i have read on transplants 5800 sounds like it would cover more than just the front hairline?