
:squint: I have a large amount of progesterone and I am almost sure it can be converted to some anabolic agent but I don't remember what & don't know how. Could sone one please clue me in about this ? Especially if there is a kit that can do this. THANKS !

lololololol you sure you want this in your system?

1. A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
2. A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used in the prevention of miscarriage, in the treatment of menstrual disorders, and as a constituent of some oral contraceptives.

There IS a anabolic steriod that's made from progesterone. I think it's Primbolin but I have asked here hoping some one would know what to convert it to and how ? I would not miand having Primbolin around. It's a very miald steriod that woman can and do use. It's not US FDA approved but it hardens and increases strength without bulk. Combine it with test and the combination could be extremely effective. Only trying to utalize something that's around here. Do I have nothing else like test ? No !


pullinbig said:
lololololol you sure you want this in your system?

1. A steroid hormone, C21H30O2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands.
2. A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used in the prevention of miscarriage, in the treatment of menstrual disorders, and as a constituent of some oral contraceptives.
You cant change the hormone unless you have the skill/knowlege/equipment. By that point, you are just doing siomething similar to what pharmeceutical companies do when they derive other hormones from test and other things like nor based roids (deca, tren etc).
Get the " how to " from the patent that the progestrone is going to be converted to. I asked the question because I thought some one might have a easier way.

Did you know that test can be made from DHEA and sugar ? I'll post that prosedure in the not so distant future.
Fine ill just go ahead and post it.

Take 3 asprin tablets and soak them in extra virgin olive oil. Add them to a 3:1 mix of Mr. Clean (pine scent) and sprite. Add distilled water drop by drop (titrate) until you see a white precipitate. Discard the carrier liquid and dry the powder. Add the powder to a small beaker and heat on a hot plate with a magnetic stir rod. Add DHEA (the sugar is there, from the sprite) and put on a welding helmet. Wink twice at your reflection in the glass and have someone switch the beaker for a beaker of pure testosterone. You shouldnt have seen anything with the welding mask on...and there you have it. Pure test. Simple, what are you guys in 3rd grade this is the easiest conversion to date.
actually spidey might know how to do this. hes a mod at superior muscle. the only other problem you face is having the skills and equipment of a full lab to do it. good luck.
seriously i am looking forward to his post. I'd like to see the deeleo on this.

guessing if it works itll be base?
I have the prosedure to convert progesterone to gear. It's from a copy of a US patent for a specific steroid I think it's Anavar. I just thought there might be a easier way of doing this.

FTC said:
actually spidey might know how to do this. hes a mod at superior muscle. the only other problem you face is having the skills and equipment of a full lab to do it. good luck.